It would appear that “The Oldest Profession”, is alive and well in Westminster. Politicians on both sides of The House are actively prostituting themselves for votes and approval.
“Call Me Dave” is on a sabbatical in India, selling himself and the country for the promise of a few Rupees. He has promised that Indian students and businessmen will be given a ‘same day’ visa service. In return he expects India to open up their economy and make it easier to do business there. His “Big Idea” is for Insurance Companies and Banks to do more foreign ‘direct’ investment into the Indian economy. Good luck with that Dave, we all know how good your negotiating and deal making skills are.
The very fact that you are proud that Tata now own and produce the very British, Jaguar and Range Rover cars, should have voters queuing to vote Tory. Only in your head, mate!
The very fact that India produces nearly all of the steel we in Britain use is a damning indictment on successive British Governments. Both Labour and Conservative failed to invest in the British steel industry. Preferring instead to showboat by either fighting or knuckling under to the Unions. From the sixties to the present day, the aim has been to put Party above the people and the country.
Lessons from history were there to be learned but were carelessly dismissed because they didn’t fit with the ‘Party line’ or, they were cast aside through sheer arrogance.
Theresa May (or should that be, “Maynot”!), is going to get tough with illegal immigrants. She is putting forward legislation; she tells us, which will override EU Law.
We all know this is more ‘showboating’. It reminds me of one; Phineas Taylor Barnum, an American showman, businessman, scam artist and entertainer, remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes and for founding the circus that became the Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Circus. It would appear that todays batch of incompetent politicos have all attended the Barnum School of Hokum. At the moment, the Westminster Circus is second to none!
On the subject of Women Ministers, Dave reckons that he needs a few more ladies surrounding him in the Cabinet Office. He says that his wife is “lobbying” him to promote more. To anyone but Dave, it would be seen as nagging but, hey Cameron is always on the lookout for a soundbite; hence, “lobbying”.
Even the short sighted, well paid, Iain Duncan Smith is at it. He is going to flout EU Directives by denying European immigrants access to the British Welfare System. In principle, it should be easy as he has denied thousands of his own British people access to the system even though they have helped to fund it.
Here is a man who took full advantage of the Benefit System when he was in need but wants to now, pick and choose who can use it. The chances of him flouting EU Law are about as good as his boss winning an outright majority in 2015.
The Conservatives are not alone in this prostitution ring. The looney Labour Party are also at it. Their nasally challenged leader was in Eastleigh at the week end prostituting himself and eager to grab a photo opportunity next to a guy wearing a ‘T’ shirt regaling the death of Mrs Margaret Thatcher. Not so strange when you understand that he and his Party fully endorse their candidate for Eastleigh, a man who wished that Mrs T had died in the Brighton Bombing and who thought that losing the Falkland War would have been a good thing.
He then tells the Electorate that when they (The Labour Party) regain power they will reintroduce the 10p Tax Rate, dropped by the man Milliband used to be an advisor for; The Man of The Manse, Gordon Brown. You have to ask, was it Milliband who advised Brown to drop the 10P rate? We will never know, lies upon lies upon lies!
The real question is, why are these men of high position suddenly offering and doing so much? Call Me Dave’s extravagant trip to India with an entourage of over 100 business men et al would have cost in excess of £150,000 just on the return flights alone. He, and his office, will tell you that Britain needs to get in their first in order to gain the trust and business opportunities which are ripe there.
That aside, three important answers to the question spring to mind. All are to do with deflection.
Both the Conservatives and the Labour Party need to hang their heads in collective shame.
Between May 1997 and May 2010, Labour employed 6 Secretary’s of Health. Under them the top
tier of management, middle management and associated staff grew at an alarming rate More
money was pumped in but the majority of this, invariably, went towards pay and pensions or
was simply wasted on Government schemes. The front line and, especially patients, suffered
badly from over zealous management. Warnings were ignored by the men at the top, over eighty
by Alan Johnson and Andy Burnham when they were in office for Labour.
Since 2010 the Conservative Lib Dem coalition have had two Secretary’s of State for Health.
Andrew Lansley and now, Jeremy Hunt. They have failed in their task too.
I believe that it is the astronomical and totally unacceptable mortality rates due to the failings of
these Ministers and their appointed staff within the Health Service that is being hidden.
The three Main Parties, LibDem, Conservative, Labour; all want closer ties with The EU.
Labour, under the direction of the EU started an “Open Door Policy” toward immigration.
Anyone opposed to this policy was labelled a bigot, a racist, a homophobe etc etc. Anything to
stigmatise the complainant. The coalition have gone along with this now that they are in power
and are falling over themselves to tell the British public that ‘good’ immigration is necessary for
the country. “Integration” seems to be the new Whitehall buzzword.
Romanians and Bulgarians will be allowed to settle in this country at the end of this year, claim
Benefits (are you listening, IDS?). They only have to sell the Big Issue to qualify. In ten years
time this country will be unrecognisable as Britain and that is what the present politicians want.
A fully integrated European State of England. They are actually getting money from the EU to
ensure that this happens. Loss of National identity = integration = subjugation. That is what
The EU want and that is what LibDemConLab politicians are giving them.
Look around the World and you might comment that no ones economy is doing well. I would
counter by saying that no one who is associated with either The European Union or the USA has
a strong economy at the moment. Turkey, India, China, Russia, Brazil, all have strong
economies. In my opinion, if Britain was not tied to the EU we would now be out of recession
and our economy would be on the up. It is no surprise that the EU want to regulate the UK
(London) Financial Institutions. It has long been a thorn in the side of Germany and France that
London is at the centre of the Financial Industry. Don’t be fooled, Cameron is on his travels for
his own ends and those of the EU. He is tying up trade as a member of the EU not as the Prime
Minister of the United Kingdom. Come 2015 he, Milliband, Clegg will all tell us that a
referendum will not be in our best interest because we have no one to trade with and that trading
within the EU is the only sensible recourse. It will be a case of EU 1 GB 0.
I could be way off the mark and many of you out there probably think that I am. I don’t, obviously. We have been lied to for the last forty years about the benefits of the EU (As it is now known). Common sense says that it is a selfish institution, set up by selfish people. The Conservative MP, John Redwood, recently said in the House of Commons that we in this country have no agricultural policy, no control over fishing. Energy is subject to EU regulation and pricing. No border control and, as far as welfare goes, the EU will soon be saying who is entitled, how much and when. He wants the return of our powers to determine our Sovereign Laws, our rights to govern ourselves and, above all our right to be British without interference from Brussels.
I have no problem with that, that is why I have joined the United Kingdom Independence Party. They want to take us out of the clutches of the EU and put us back onto the path of free trade and expression. They want to put the “Great” back into Britain and they will not be prostituting themselves to do it.
For all Mr Redwoods’s posturing he is a Tory through and through and although I agree with his stance on the EU I have major problems with his mainstream Conservatism.
If you want to go along with these politicians of ours, fine. Remember though, prostitution carries a cost. Follow these people and you will pay dearly and so will your children and their children and their children’s children.
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