
Wednesday, 6 February 2013


Whatever your feelings are towards the Gay Community one has to gape at the sheer audacity of the EU for using them as pawns for their own political gain. Across Europe, Governments are being coerced into making Same Sex Marriage the law of the land.

To what purpose you may ask? I wish I knew the true answer but, suffice to say, one can detect the creepy hands of the Federalists at work here. I should probably amend that and say Marxist for is it not Marxist doctrine which insists that we abandon materialism for a more equal society. A concept quickly grasped by one, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and one which led to the eventual formation of the USSR. If I may speculate, a model for the forthcoming European State.

It is not enough to be sceptical about the EU, we all need to look at what, exactly, is being created across the Channel. If you think that it is the United States of Europe, modelled on the corrupt clan of states across the Atlantic then, you are much mistaken. This is a more sinister ensemble, built on lies by power hungry plutocrats and sold to you by fawning career politicians who only seek self gratification. Strange isn't it that it was the Socialists in this country who gave away our freedoms? One would have expected; if we are to believe that the EU is truly Federalist, that the Conservatives would have been more likely to do so.

You might argue that they, (Conservatives) were not in power during the "big away", I would counter that by saying that the Party in Opposition should carry the voice of the people and work tirelessly to defend the rights of the people. I am not blind to the fact that the Labour majority in the first two terms was vast however, the Opposition was weak. Weak in character, weak in voice, weak in moral standing. We know now that all main stream Parties want the UK to be fully integrated into the EU. No wonder then that for the last twenty years we have had a weak Opposition.

So, all you Europhiles, how "equal", do you feel? As equal as a Greek? As equal as an Italian? As equal as a German? As equal as a Romanian? As equal as a Spaniard?
It is no surprise to us "Sceptics", that the Northern Countries seem to be more equal than the Southern countries. In my view, the Euro was designed to do exactly that. Once a country has accepted the Euro as its currency it has nothing to compare its value to relevant to the geography of that country.
The country's existence, (identity) will be dependent upon the strongest country, (Mother Country); in terms of finance.  When the debt becomes unserviceable the country will be completely subservient to and administered by the "Mother Country".

Miles from the truth I hear you yell. However, there is a dark cloud hanging over Europe at the moment, strands of which are creeping across the English Channel. This is not a plea for people to vote for UKIP it is me, a man in his mid sixties who is genuinely frightened for the limited future he has. I am frightened for my Grandchildren and my children, what future would they have under the yoke of an all invasive, unaccountable, European plutocratic government? Wake up people, snap out of the apathetic torpor, nurtured over the past forty years by successive Governments. Wake up to what is happening, stop pandering to the self serving political elite. Take to the web sites, social media etc and let them know that we, The Great British Public, have had enough! We want out of the EU and want out now, not in 2019 at the earliest.

Put the pride back into this country, put the steel back into the work force, put the people before politics. The debacle that was the vote on SSM should have been the last straw for everyone and it should make you all want to spit!

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