
Thursday, 15 September 2016

The State Of The Union

This United Kingdom, this union of four great nations is, at this momentous time in our history, being let down by the very people whom we chose to lead it for us. What is wrong with our politicians that they cannot ever see the wood for the trees? We have a fantastic opportunity to forge a safe, secure and prosperous future for our children and their children and instead of embracing it, Westminster has gone into meltdown!

The Labour Party, once a beacon of hope for both blue and white collar workers is in total disarray. It has returned to the tried and failed dogma of the sixties and seventies and the leading lights are squabbling over which version of apathy the Party should follow. They are not alone, The Conservative Party, whilst looking all rosy on the outside is having its own little war behind closed doors.

The problem for all the Westminster Parties is that they have been found out. By voting for Brexit the public has shown our politicians up for the amateurs that they really are. Whilst they could rely upon the cushion of the EU and the diktats and laws that flowed ever too freely from Brussels or Strasbourg, the Houses of Parliament became no more than a clubhouse for hubris.

“Brexit means Brexit”, I’m sorry but it does not! Until Mrs May goes over to Brussels and invokes Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and informs the EU of our intentions it means absolutely nothing. Even then, she needs to get Parliament to repeal the 1973 European Communities Act before any real meaning of Brexit becomes apparent. However, if she really does mean what she says about Brexit, Theresa May has got to become dictatorial about it. Democracy is being cast aside by the Opposition Parties because they, in the main, want the UK to remain subservient to the European Union. They still do not get it, still do not realise why 17.4 million people voted to leave the EU. They can see no further than the buffers behind which the gravy train sits. Blind to the obvious and lost in a lexicon of lies, rhetoric, red-tape and EU jargon.
The message that the Electorate should send to these muppets is, “toe the Democratic Line, adhere to the will of the majority of the people or face deselection”! Perhaps then the penny will finally drop. Alas, that is but a pipe dream.

What is really saddening is that potentially the only real Opposition, UKIP, is doing its usual and tearing itself apart. With the prospect of boundary changes before the next General Election the UK Independence Party stands a real chance of breaking through and putting UKIP MPs in the HoC.

Nigel Farage, usually a Master of the Obvious, completely misread the signs and decided that now was the time to quit a leader of the Party. The Party, indeed the country, needs him now more than ever. Whoever is voted in as his replacement will not be “Nigel Farage” and there lies the problem. Like him or loathe him, his is the voice that people up and down the country listen to. He single handedly turned the tide against the Establishment and brought about Britain’s exit from the European Union.

Given the threats to himself and his family one can understand his desire to walk away and hand the reins over to someone new. Unfortunately there is no one who even comes close to fitting into his shoes. Surely, given the track record of threats against him and his stoic resilience when faced with them, he might have given it one more year before resigning. One more year in which he could have ensured that Brexit does really mean Brexit. After all, he indicates that he wants to be in the forefront until we actually leave the EU for good. What better position to be in to do this than at the helm of the very vehicle which started and ended the fight to unshackle Britain from the European Union?
The future of Great Britain is reliant, now more than ever, on good, strong leadership. The jury is still out on Mrs May but our future depends not just on her but on smart politics. The Parties have got to pull together on this, they have got to realise what the people voted for and act upon it accordingly. Without a cohesive Parliament, the EU will run all over us in the next two years and all those who still cling on to the fantasy of somehow remaining in this corrupt bloc will be very disappointed. The EU would give us very unreasonable terms of re-entry, one of which would be acceptance of the Euro as our main currency.

No, the people have spoken and the politicians have got to get behind the battle bus and push for the best possible deals to ensure our future prosperity. Anything less will see the demise of a once great nation. 

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