
Friday, 5 January 2018


Every winter we have the same headlines:
The Unions, Doctors, and, of course, the useless Labour Party are all screaming at the Government to put more money into this beleaguered service. The problem being that no matter how much money is thrown at it the same problems will arise again and again, year in year out.
You would think that with the amount of 'managers' populating the NHS it couldn't possibly fail. It does beg the question, 'why are so many people who are obviously no good at their jobs still employed by the NHS?' In any other failing industry questions would be asked and heads would, quite rightly, roll.
So, why are these people, most of whom enjoy ridiculously high salaries, exempt from scrutiny? This is public money and it is being mis-managed so someone must be held accountable. Its no good blaming the Secretary of State for Health every time Labour and the Left Wing Media cry for more, like some latter day Oliver with the needle stuck in the groove. The responsibility lies with the various Trusts under the auspices of NHS England.

The main problem we have in this country is a cowardly bunch of self-serving politicians all slavishly tied to the European Union who are unwilling to tackle the real problems. Instead they blame an ageing population, lack of doctors, lack of nurses, lack of beds, etc. etc.  The political blame game has become the 'go to' excuse for failure.
We even have a Prime Minister who, instead of ordering the various NHS heads of Trusts and Department Seniors to Downing Street for a dressing down, meekly sits in front of a TV camera and says. "I apologise". A hollow statement from a hollow Prime Minister.
There are at least six reasons why the NHS is failing;

  1. PFI repayments
  2. GP Contracts
  3. Immigration
  4. Health Tourism
  5. Gross Mismanagement
  6. Political interference.
The first four can be attributed to thirteen disastrous years of Labour in government and the last two are down to successive governments tinkering and fear of tackling the real issues within the Health Service.

How then can we improve this service?
Firstly, for all of us who have paid into the system for all of our working lives there should be a Health Card issued. If you have not got it with you or, haven't registered it with your GP Practice then you pay for treatment. The NHS, like the BBC, is a Public Service and should be treated in the same way, i.e issue a licence (medical card). 
Secondly, we must recognise the pressure that excessive uncontrolled immigration is putting on the NHS and put a stop to it. This is not 'easier said than done', it just needs the political will to do it. Politicians are the servants of the people, not the other way round and perhaps we should be more forceful in reminding them of that.
Thirdly, GPs could do a lot more to ease the burden on A & E Departments. Too many people are being referred to A & E when they could, quite easily be treated by their own GP. If it is the case that there is a gross shortage of GPs then the NHS should be training more or, asking the government to bring in more from the Commonwealth. However, the emphasis should be on home grown doctors trained by the NHS.
Fourth, stop blaming the old! We are lucky to live in an age where we do live longer and instead of using this as a political football we should all be joyous and embrace the fact. From the States point of view, growing old is expensive. I agree, it is but instead of giving money away through the Foreign Aid Budget to help despots and crackpot schemes abroad, channel it back into the Welfare System and help those at home who need aid the most! Whilst we are discussing the 'old', dental treatment, hearing tests, hearing aids and eye treatment are all areas where the older generation really suffer. The cost of these treatments is often prohibitive to the elderly and its no good the government saying, 'ah, yes but they can get financial help with all of that' because this help is means tested and the figure that the government say a person can live on is quite ridiculous. All these services, dental, hearing, eyes (spectacles) should be free to everyone over the age of 65.
Fifth, stop health tourism. Pay before treatment or be sent back to where you came from. It really is that simple. No excuses, credit card out or valid health insurance otherwise; bye, bye! Also, start suing those who have had treatment and not paid.

The Health Service is not sustainable and, if we are honest, we all know that. However the money that is put into the Service should be used more efficiently. More recycling of equipment where that is possible, better procurement procedures to ensure more value per £ spent.
Better use of staff and resources. Stop using A & E as a doctors surgery, it clogs it up!
More in-house facilities, e.g laundry, catering, maintenance.
More emphasis on cleaning and hygiene.
The argument will be that all I have suggested will cost extra money, I say, no it won't. Managers must take on extra responsibilities, earn the fat salaries that the taxpayer is giving you. Those at the top must lead from the top and stop delegating responsibility down the management chain unnecessarily. 

Do I see a phoenix rising from the ashes? No. But is is possible with a bit of forward thinking and better use of money and resources to avoid these, so-called, 'winter crises'. 

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