
Monday, 14 January 2013



Lies, Lies & Speculation.

The Attack Dogs.

The Sunday Mirror is up in arms today about what it terms racist and homophobic views of UKIP Party Members. Just to calm everyones fears and, to assure fellow supporters of our great Party, this folly amounts to - now wait for this... 0.015% of the membership.

Shock, gasp, horror! Such a high percentage. Nigel Farage is choking on his real ale and the NEC have offered to resign. Thankfully not.

What they are doing is taking swift and decisive action. The NEC have made it quite clear that this sort of nasty racism and appalling homophobia has no place in British politics and UKIP will not tolerate it. In fact, Party Vice-Chairman, Michael Dugher stated that very fact. 

The Party has no place for these outlandish views, as witnessed last week when the Acting Chair of YI was axed for his views on Gay Marriage. I would guess that the three people involved in this debacle,One from Surrey, one from West Sussex and one from Oxford will suffer similar fates.

However, the Sunday Mirror is not as blameless as it would have its readers believe. Like the Socialist rabble which it obediently follows, it too has a history that it conveniently forgets. Back in 1952 the Paper was then know by the name, "The Sunday Pictorial" It ran a campaign against homosexuality in Britain. A vicious and nasty witch hunt which they turned into a three part series. They pompously called this series, "Evil Men". The aim was to put an end to what they called, "a conspiracy of silence about homosexuality in Britain".

I'll give you a direct quote from the 'series', "Most people know there are such things - 'pansies' - mincing, effeminate, young men who call themselves queers, but simple decent folk regard them as freaks and rarities." It added, " Homosexuality is a spreading fungus that has contaminated generals, admirals, fighter pilots, engine drivers and boxers. "Hows that for "homophobic views"?  You will notice that they failed to mention Politicians, Journalists, Doctors, etc, etc. 

It gets better. In April 1963, now under the guise of, "The Sunday Mirror", it went even further down the sewer by publishing a two page guide with the title, "How to Spot a Homo". For those of you who wish to go out today and, and I quote, "Spot a Homo ", here are the signs to look for - according, that is to the 'salubrious' Sunday Mirror. "Shifty glances", "dropped eyes" and, (I love this one) "a fondness for the theatre'. Apparently all signs of being Gay.

All in all perhaps not the best platform from which to throw stones especially given that the foetid rag has such a history of intolerance. No doubt many of the 'Great Unwashed' who still fork out for this drawer liner will choose to believe that all UKIP members are caste of the same cloth but, believe it or not, there are many millions of sensible people out there who know the truth and wouldn't use this Red Top rag to wrap their fish and chips in.

Sleepy Time!

I seem to have got my nose stuck to this pole.                                                       I'm stuck!

The Cameron Follies!

So, Call Me Dave thinks that anyone who believes that the UK is better of outside the EU, (err that's most of us Dave!) is mad. So, I expect that like me, most of you know at least 20,000 people who are mad. If I was Dave I'd be worried. 20,00 mad people after my blood? Oh well.

That good old conker, Lord Heseltine has also piled the pressure on the Eton Mess by telling him that he is taking "an unnecessary gamble" over an in-out referendum on EU. He seems to think it folly to take a gamble on a National vote on The EU before talks have begun concerning Britain's future membership. What a mistake that man is. He is an egomaniac on a grand scale. 

Not only has good old Hesser had a go but, that good old boy Barak Obama has apparently sent a clear signal to Dave that he wants us to stay in the EU. Actually, he changed his name to, "The White House" when he said it. Next, Davey boy will be taking advice from the "UK Barak", Chuka Umunna. Nigel Farage beware,  the Tories (poor deluded souls) believe there is a silent majority out there who want this country to stay in The EU.  Right! 

Despite the attacks on The UKIP, Tory supporters are leaving in their droves and knocking at our door. Even the disenfranchised, disinterested, disaffected, disinfected, Socialists are thinking twice about the EU money pit. 'Eh up, can I join yon Party, lad?" 'No!, piss off and take your flat cap with you!" 
Despite claims to the contrary, as long as you agree to abide by our rules and regulations you are welcome. If not, like some have found to their cost over the past few weeks, we don't want you. 

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