
Tuesday, 22 January 2013


The Author Wasn't a Lefty!:

I read recently that if UKIP keep Mr Farage as leader, they will lose the faith of the British people.
My first thought was to scoff and totally dismiss this notion as leftist propaganda. Only, the author wasn't a Lefty!

This really worried me because I hate the EU and what it stands for and to read that the Party I trust most to get Britain out of this mess is giving out the wrong message leaves questions that need answering.
My understanding and, so I'm led to believe, that of many others is that UKIP is a Party which will simplify politics. By that I mean, a UKIP MP will translate the needs / concerns of his Constituency and present them to The House. At all times putting the Constituents first. A strange concept in today's political world but one that has attracted new members. Why then is it all starting to unravel?

Whilst considering this I realised that for many peoples UKIP is still seen as a "Protest Party". 
So, how do we change this preconception? I have some suggestions which you might find contentious or, even, naive. Feel free to comment as I feel this is the very essence of UKIP, the freedom to openly debate and come to a democratically achieved decision through fact based logical argument.

  • Produce a detailed yet concise Policy Document, taking into account the needs and concerns of the people.
  • Explain Immigration Policy.
  • Explain fully the consequence - both positive and negative - of leaving The EU.
  • Explain Economic Policy.
  • Explain Domestic Policy
  • Explain Foreign Policy
  • Give individual PPC's responsibility for each section. i.e. Immigration, The Economy, Defence, etc, etc. 
  • Make it the job of these PPC's to promote their brief. (not only will this show the General Public that we do have Policies, it will also promote the profiles of the individual PPC's)
  • Utilise the Party hierarchy so that Nigel Farage does not appear to be a lone UKIP fanatic.

Yes, I know. There are gaping holes in the above whereby the opponents of UKIP can and will attempt to slaughter us. However, we have a short two years in which to show the country that we are ready and able to represent them in Parliament. Whatever funds we have should be used to promote the Party in a good and positive light. Common sense I know but those of us who have spent hard earned money to join the Party need to see the funds in action.

So in order to bring a halt to Blogs of Discontent I suggest that we (The Party), are more open with our followers. More circumspect and less vague. As I say, it is a short two years and we need to get our act together.

Please don't come back with the simplistic argument that we don't have people with the right profile yet, or that we don't have the funding. We have had twenty tears! Therefore, we must have something; utilise it!

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