
Wednesday, 30 January 2013


"BORDER":  The line or frontier area separating political divisions or geographical regions: a     

Britain used to have definable borders until Wilson and Heath signed the country up to a catastrophic European experiment. First, Ted Heath rushed off to the Continent in 1973 and almost sprained his wrist getting his pen out of his pocket, so eager was he to sign up for this jolly jape. In Opposition, Harold Wilson promised a referendum on Europe if he won the next Election, after renegotiating our terms. For all his posturing he almost snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, winning by just four seats.

Realising that he had a mountain to climb he set about organising the biggest con trick in modern day politics. Like our present incumbent he relied on spin to get him what he wanted. He wove a masterful  tale of all that was wonderful in Europe and would therefore be good for the UK if we stayed in. 
He promised that Britain would ensure that Europe would not fall to the Federalists. All of it empty rhetoric which hid the fact that Britain would be no better off financially because the other Member States thought him a fool and a chancer and had no intention of renegotiating. They fobbed him off with insignificant bits and bobs which he sold to the Nation as major gains for Britain but, all he really did was to agree to a much higher financial contribution.
Should Cameron win the next Election it will be interesting to see what "Non Deal", he will try to sell to the British Public. No doubt it will be based on the lie that it will be in our best interest to stay in the EU.

 In doing so, he will be plagiarising Harold Wilson's methods. The next two years are going to be filled with pro EU propaganda. Even the doubters will start to believe in the 'miracle of Brussels'. My advice, look to history. Britain has never fared well when it has teamed up with Europe. We have always squabbled, usually over trivial things which have then escalated. I am not advocating isolationism, I'm saying take a step back and view things rationally. 
The two main economy's of Europe, Germany and France have never really been good neighbours to Britain. Germany have always been expansionist whilst France has often tried to be. Getting into bed with these two nere do wells should not be contemplated. In fact, Hollande and Merkel should come with Health Warnings!

So, look to history and vote to get out of the EU, that is if we actually do get a referendum.

Borders not only refer to land mass. Being an Island Nation, Great Britain's borders extend to twelve nautical mile out to sea. We also have an agreed extension of this for our fishing fleets. Although, if we hadn't been so compliant with NATO and The UN during the third "Cod War", we would still have a considerably larger fishing fleet than we have now.

Added to that are the restrictive EU fishing quotas imposed on British fishermen, which have  shrunk the industry even more.
Cameron will tell you that he and his Government will and are helping the fishermen to find alternative employment and that part of his "renegotiating strategy" will be to reverse the restrictions put on our fishermen. So did Harold Wilson, so did Ted Heath, so did Jim Callaghan. In fact, every Prime Minister since 1973 has spouted the same hollow rhetoric! Too little too late! Fishing communities which could trace their proud history back for centuries have disappeared. Cameron has yet to answer the question; what do you replace a fishing industry with? We are talking here about highly skilled, brave seafarers. Men who work in hazardous conditions on a daily basis in a place where Health & Safety dare not tread. 
If you have ever been in the middle of the North Atlantic on a small vessel when this mighty ocean decides to throw its dummy out of the pram, you will know that namby pamby H&E rules are hazardous to health. You trust in your Captain and crew mates. Unfortunately, because of thoughtless EU regulations and our own weak, self serving, politicians these brave gatherers of piscine produce  have no one left to trust. 

Going back to the broader issue of "borders", this is something that the EU want to do away with. At least, borders as we know them. They see Europe as a border free zone; "zone" being the operative word, whereby people can migrate freely from country to country. A country's indigenous peoples having no say as to who populates where or, when.
At present, 27 countries make up the European Union, leap ahead ten and a half years: -
Picture Europe, as I imagine it to be, in the eyes of the anonymous bureaucrats in Brussels, with borders  but without country names. Each area will become a "Zone" and, no doubt, each "zone" will have an identification designation. Germany will be designated FDC - Federal Democratic Capital.

A fanciful notion of what is to come I hear you say. Is it though? When we Europeans carved our way across Africa we created zones at the drop of a hat with no regard to the ethnic population, their beliefs or their needs. Divide and conquer, a lesson learned from the Romans who, in turn, probably studied Greek and Carthaginian methods of subjugation. Given the expansionist agenda of the EU, I can foresee a borderless Europe as soon as 2024. Brussels will then create zones, each one subservient to the FDC. 

Where will this leave Britain? Hopefully, on the outside. We are an independent Sovereign State and the people of this island have fought many wars and given many lives to keep it that way. To allow a cheap, snake oil, salesman like Cameron to give this country away on a lie (another lie to compound all of those of his predecessors) does not bear thinking about. The only way to stop him is to vote NO to the EU and yes to UKIP. Countries will still trade with Britain when we leave the EU. Don't believe the Left of Centre propaganda machine who would have you wringing your hands in despair at the thought of life outside the EU.
We have the whole World to trade with, especially our Commonwealth partners. We would also be free of the yoke of Brussels bureaucracy when we do so. Britain will be fine and, wealthy.

To those outside of our borders I say this. A new dawn is coming in this country. A new dawn whereby the soft Liberal Elite will be pushed aside and a new, stronger politic will be in charge. One which will listen to, fight for and put the people of this country first. If you have the skills we need and are willing to give to this country without taking, we will welcome you. If, on the other hand, you are looking for a free ride on our Welfare System don't even bother to pack your bags and your sun cream. We will no longer be the soft touch of Europe, what you will find should you come to our shores will be a country of fairness for all, a tolerant country but, above all, a country which puts its own people and those who want to live within our rules, first.

In conclusion, do borders matter? The simple answer; yes! Long established, well policed borders are a necessity. Without them there would be no law and order, desease would spread anonymously and unchecked and, probably most important of all, without borders there would be no National Identity. Exactly what theFederalists in Brussels and Strasbourg want. 
Ask a guy from California where he is from and he will say, America. Why do I use this example? Simple, The USA is made up of States created by the Federal Government from land either ceded or purchased from foreign powers. State borders drawn by Colonial Powers and then modified by the Federal Government. 
So, in fifty tears time when you ask a Frenchman or a Lithuanian, where do they come from? They will say, Europe. We will still be able to stand proud and say, "Britain!"

Vote NO to the EU. 
Vote YES to UKIP.

Monday, 28 January 2013


Apologies and Corrections:

  • Mr Afriyie:         apologies for confusing you with the Prime Minister.
  • Mr Cameron:      apologies for confusing you with a Prime Minister. 

Dear Dave,

It's me again, "The ODD ONE",  I write because you haven't, as yet, answered my previous letter. I mentioned this to Nigel and he nearly choked on his Capstan Full Strength. Non-the-less, I thought I would try again and helpfully point out a few more of your 'basic schoolboy errors'.

I note that you have spoken to Monsieur Hollande and say that you are 'keen to do more in Mali'. I know that your knowledge of history leaves much to be desired so let me enlighten you. First lesson, never trust the French. Never was a phrase - "glad to see the back of them" - more apt because, probably, that is all you will see. After the debacle in Indo China the French were quite happy for the Americans to pick up the pieces. Oh, and here is another lesson in history for you; about the only time the Americans have won a battle on their own was when they went into Granada.
I don't want Mali to become the UK's Vietnam! You say that no combat troops will be sent but you will commit 250 trainers with a further 250 protection troops. Its the word "PROTECTION", which worries me. Surely they are COMBAT troops by any other name?
Also, and this is probably why the economy is doing so badly, your maths. You say, and I quote, "Britain's contribution would number 10's not 100's". Now, are you counting in multiples of ten or are you just blind to the actual number of troops you are sending? Is it 50 tens or is it 500? See the problem,  Dave? 

Your management of the NHS is another area of great concern. Apparently you, through Jeremy Hunt have created a more cost effective and efficient Health Service. I believe, as a country, we spend around 8-9% of GDP on Health care. This is somewhat below the European average and, according to the World Health Organisation, we are 15th best in Europe and 18th best in the World. Rather calls into dispute the assumption that the NHS is the best in the World. Another lie Dave?
The latest mantra from the Health Department propaganda offices is that obesity is costing the NHS £millions. Does this include the £4million spent over a five year period to send overweight people to Weightwatchers? I note that another great money saving scheme is to encourage families to look after their loved ones when they are in hospital. Do we not train and pay nurses to do this? What about the the Health Tourists" who you allow to use NHS resources for free, is that cost effective?
The answer is staring you and Jeremy in the face, get rid of top management and their acolytes, stop paying ridiculous wages and pensions and allow doctors and nurses to do what they are paid for.
Failing that, if you do aim to get rid of the NHS, then for goodness sake say so. People who are able can then make their own health care arrangements and you will have to come up with alternative health care schemes for those who can't. At the moment you are causing frustration and misery to thousands of sick and elderly people.

This brings me neatly on to the imminent arrival of the Darling Buds of May from Bulgaria and Romania. You say, 70,000 over the next five years, Truly a "Conservative" estimate! In Bucharest alone, some waiting lists are so long that they have had to stop taking applicants.
And, what is your "BIG IDEA"? An advertising campaign telling the Bulgar's and Romanians that Britain is too cold for them. Yes, we regularly have temperatures of -32C in London and Manchester.
Grow up! As if they care, when the average wage in this country is around £350 per week as opposed to £86 in Romania and £63 in Bulgaria, how many do you really think will be hopping on the nearest donkey to get over here? Not only that, they can get, as a right, £71 in Job Seekers Allowance plus £20.30 for the first child and £13.40 for every child after that. They are not going to worry about the weather are they? To tell us that you expect 70000 over the next five years is ridiculous. 

On the subject of Europe, I see that since the Coalition took office you have managed to squander £700 million passing 400 new EU Laws. That's a mind boggling, £1,750,000 per law. I realise that you are rubbish at finance and maths but even you must admit that, that figure is excessive! Just think how many more people you could send to Weightwatchers for that?

HS2, the Tory "pet" project. My big fear with this is that it is just a political excuse to turn Middle England into Milton Keynes. I would imagine that you have investors queueing up all along the route, each eager to get their grubby hands on a piece of prime real estate. I can see concrete from the Wash to the Welsh Marshes. What for? Why do we need this form of transport? Studies have shown there is no proof that high speed transport has caused a boom in the local economies. Or, for that matter, made money. Basically they are good at getting people from A to B quickly unless, of course, it snows.

I, like the other members of The UKIP are curious as to why you want to wait until 2017 before offering the people of this country a referendum. I did ask this in my last letter but a reply was not forthcoming. Is this because you do not expect to be Prime Minister in 2017? In which case, why not hold a referendum now? Maybe you already know the outcome of your proposed renegotiation? 
"ifs and maybes" eh Dave. The story of your tenure in Office.  Unfortunately, your dithering has cost people in this country their livelihoods, their health, and their homes Like Blair, you came into Office on a lie and hope to get re-elected on the same lie. Its not going to happen. People have seen through you and your love affair with the EU and as a result are coming over to UKIP in their droves. They will continue to do so long after you have been cast aside by your own kind. UKIP will have a profound effect on the formation of the next Government. You, Mr Cameron will not! 

Sunday, 27 January 2013


Dear Dave;

I am one of those people of whom you refer to as, "ODD". I make no apologies for being "ODD", because like the leader of The UKIP, I too have had a job and have run my own business. Not only that, I have served my country as a member of the Armed Forces. Some would say that I am probably more qualified to do your job than you are.

I write because of my fears for this Great country of ours, you will notice that I use a capital "G", even though Britain has not been truly Great since around 1910. In my opinion, the closest we came to reclaiming greatness was under Margaret Thatcher but, even she baulked at taking us out of the one institution which would guarantee we would never be Great again!

I digress; you and Mr Osborne continue to put your faith in The European Union, buoyed by advice from greedy business leaders and bankers. Even though, despite your fiscal belt tightening, the economy is still stagnant. If, as the business leaders say, we are better in The EU than out because of Trade; why is the economy not moving? Surely someone has got it wrong. Your Fiscal Policy, far from being insightful is, in fact, spiteful. It seems to me that you are kicking the dog in order to get the cat to move off the chair. The old adage that we have two eyes, two ears and one mouth for a reason is as true now as it ever was. Take off the blinkers, remove the ear plugs and take notice!

I would suggest that one reason for slow growth is the transport system. Road freight in this country is excessive. For years, road maintenance has seen a paucity of funding whilst road haulage fleets have grown. One of your "BIG" ideas is to borrow money for new road schemes, some of which you tell us will be toll roads. Instead of tearing up the countryside why not improve the roads we already have and make them fit for purpose? More freight should be put on the railways, forget HS2 it is a waste of money and will be an unnecessary blot on the landscape. Again, improve on what we already have, where possible open up some of the old routes closed by Beeching. Spend the vast amount of HS2 money on rail/road hubs. This will not only take the juggernauts off the roads it will also create much needed jobs in and around these hubs. Small businesses should benefit immensely. 

On The EU you say that you have listened to the British people and know how they feel about not being offered a referendum on their own fate in Europe. I'm sorry Prime Minister but that is a lie! You have not listened at all, had you done so you would have given the people an in/out referendum two years ago. You perpetuate your lie by adding that even though you will offer a referendum, you will fight with all your heart and soul to stay in the European Union.You will also fight with the help of the deceitful BBC propaganda machine, millions of pounds from your wealthy backers and, no doubt, EU funding. Hardly a level playing field! The message you are giving out is 'my way or the highway!'

Thorbjørn Jagland, ex Prime Minister of Norway, thinks that Britain should stay within the fold of the EU. This probably has something to do with the fact that he is in favour of Norway joining The EU. Here, we have a Labour Politician who in 1990 published a book called, "My European Dream". I mention him because you and everyone else who wants us to renegotiate terms with The EU, seem to hold up Norway of a shining example of a country outside of the EU but one benefitting with trading within The EU. As Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Jagland has made reform of the Council of Europe a central point of his term of office. He has set four main standards and principles: 

  • Strengthening of the rule of law in Europe, based on democratic and human rights standards. 
  • Building a culture of living together, 
  • Broadening Europe's neighbourhood and exploiting the full potential of co-operation with partners, in particular The European Union. 
  • Reform of the European Court of Human Rights is an integral part of this process. 

Sounds to me like everything you have ever wished for Mr Cameron. Even if you do want to and, actually do, renegotiate terms of membership for the UK; this cretin will make sure that they are all taken back. Lest anyone forget, he was on the committee which awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to The European Union in 2012.

Another reason for slow growth is our Banking System or, the lack of regulation of it. Without help from the banks, business is going nowhere. I am probably naive in my thinking here but, when you say that because of the vast amount of money used to bail out RBS it is now effectively owned by the Public, does that mean it is Nationalised? If so you can order the Governors of RBS to lend to business at reasonable rates in order to kick start the economy. Naivety aside, because the Government lent money to RBS that it cannot possibly pay back, surely you have some clout in forcing them to be more amenable in the area of lending to business. At the very least, take back the powers given to the Bank of England by re-regulating it. If you are frightened by the enormity of this task or perhaps just frightened by the money men, I suggest you resign and give the responsibility to a Party which will impose regulation on these freeloaders. That would be us, the "ODD" ones.

I could go on, but to turn this letter into a rant against all that you have got wrong would be to make me appear as shallow as you. Suffice to say, if you have truly listened; give us a referendum now!

Saturday, 26 January 2013


As the title suggests, it is time to be serious. Cameron’s, so called “Big Speech”, was not “Big” at all. It turned out to be just another exercise in Politics. Ironic, that it was written by a poet. 
For a well educated man, Call Me Dave can be really stupid sometimes. (most times).  Cut out the rhetoric for a moment and leap straight to the ‘hook’, which Deluded Dave thinks will save his career.
He is offering a straightforward, in/out referendum on Europe. - People who believe that The EU and Europe are separate entities are as deluded as Call Me Dave! - However, he will fight with all his heart and soul to keep us in the European Union.

That really sounds like someone who is giving us a choice!

Give them hope and then whip them to bring them back into line.

At the moment, we at UKIP are the only ones who are telling the truth about The EU and its Federalist Policies. If you want a lifetime of slavery, vote to stay in! On the other hand, if you value your freedom; at what sane person doesn’t, vote to come out. Preferably the sooner the better.

The thing is, we have got to “get real”, as the Yanks would say. For the past couple of years we have left it to Nigel Farage and, to some extent, Paul Nuttall to vilify The EU and the three main political parties in this country. They can’t do it all!

If they (Nigel & Paul) are the ‘Flagships’ of the Party, it is now time to launch the ‘Support Vessels’. By this I mean Spokespersons. We need to address each area of Government. What we don’t need is negativity from within, people saying that we haven’t got the heavyweights needed to carry this off! Of course we haven’t, we are a fledgling Party! Waiting for heavy hitters to defect from LibLabCon is a ridiculous policy.

When we leave The EU we will have to build up our trade with the rest of the world and, sensibly, we require a spokesperson to explain to the British people exactly how this will be done, who will be our trading partners, how much this will profit  the country and, how many jobs will it generate. 

One other thing, please, give these ‘spokespersons the ammunition that they will need. Up to date facts and figures will not be enough, they will need a through knowledge of their subject. Something else, cut out the “Politspeak”! There is nothing the General Public hate more than a politician waffling on instead of answering the question honestly.

A spokesperson for Trade and one for Defence:- 

To keep good trading routes open we need a strong Military. Warships patrolling the high seas with submarines below as a final deterrent.Our land forces need to be strengthened as well, not only for the defence of our Islands but also for our Dependents. When we get our fishing territories back we will need to protect our fishermen, for that we will need fast patrol boats to guard our coastal waters.

“Where’s the money coming from?” I hear the doubters bleat. The answer is, I don’t know. If I did I would be advising Osborne on the Economy - not that he’d listen! The truth is, until we are in a position to look at the books and see for ourselves where money is being and, has been wasted by LibLabCon we cannot give an honest answer. Which, in its self, is a more honest answer than any of the three Main Parties have ever given.

We do know that £53 million per day can be saved by not giving it to The EU, we do know that we can save at least £20 billion by cutting foreign aid, we do know that we can cut the size of the Benefits bill by not paying benefits to Foreign Nationals, by not funding healthcare for those who are not British Residents, by not funding housing for non British Residents. By doing what Labour and the useless Tories promised but failed to do, get rid of the quangos. By cutting back the Public Sector. 

One area which needs the most reform is the Judiciary. 75% of our new legislation comes from The EU. This means that Industry is stifled by over regulation, by ridiculous Health and Safety rules, Green Policies and labour laws which make some small business owners wonder if it is worth carrying on. On top of that we have the ECHR. This is one thing which UKIP would tackle straight away. Also the senile judges who uphold the ridiculous laws passed on by this odious unelected body.

Just this week an illegal immigrant from Sudan, who smuggled his way into the UK in 2004 hidden in a lorry was convicted of having sex with a 13-year-old girl in May 2008. The Judge said it was not possible to deport him because he faced mistreatment if sent back to Sudan. He is now freely roaming the streets of Leicester. 

My point is, how much money is being wasted/lost through support of illegals? Here, I’m talking about the ones the useless Border Agency know about. People like Abu Qatada and his family of hangers on, how much does that cost per year? Thanks to the European Human Rights Act and the European Court of Human Rights, successive Governments in this country have welcomed undesirables here with open arms and it is us and our children who are and will keep paying the price. This is where we need to be strong, turn a deaf ear to the whinging Liberals and start a positive programme of repatriation.

So, my answer to; ‘where will the money come from?’ Is still the same, however I have highlighted a few areas where money can be clawed back. There will also be increased trade and business expansion once the encumbrance of over restrictive practices are removed

In conclusion, ever since the Great Liar, Harold Wilson first told the British Public that our future lies in Europe, successive Governments have perpetuated that lie. Cameron is not only lying to the British people, he is deluding himself. There is no way that he is going to get the reforms that he says he wants. Absolutely no way at all! If he is truly serious about a referendum then it should be offered now. There is no good reason for him to wait especially as he believes we should stay in. Surely an answer now would give him a clearer strategy for the build up to the next Election.

Unfortunately, that is wishful thinking on my part, the man wants his five years in office. So, UKIP has to present a professional front. Show the people that we are not a “protest” Party, introduce our “Front Line” and, sooner rather than later!

Friday, 25 January 2013


The Scene:  

The Snug in The Three Feathers Inn, just off The Old Kent Road.

The room is empty except for one “city gent” who is sitting alone at a table in the far corner of the room. A lady enters the room, carrying four large, brand emblazoned, shopping bags and seeing the forlorn figure she walks over to him.

“David, why so sad?” She asks.

He looks up and sees his wife, Samantha, standing over him.

“Hello Sam been trying to make a dent in our £30 million? Sit down. Would you like a drink.”  He asks.

“Is Ed Balls a muttering idiot?” She replies.

He goes over to the bar and gets them both drinks. He sticks to bitter and gives his wife a pint of Stella. He reasons that if any “Paparazzi” walk in she will look like a typically, modern, “ladette”. Someone in line with Tory thinking on their core supporters.

“So, what are you doing in here? I thought you were spending the day in Oxford Street. Did you see groveling Clegg as you came in? I have just sent him packing. Complete faux urbane tosser that man. I’ll be glad when we don’t need him anymore.”

He leans back in his seat and a shadow seems to pass over his eyes, his shoulders slump and he stares at the ceiling.

“What is it Davy pooh?” Asks Sam.

“Just had a text from George, he says the economy is flat for the third quarter in a row. Plus, I’ve been sussed out over the crime figures. Unemployment is actually in reverse, I’m surrounded by idiots and the Press ridicule me. To top it all, I lost my rag with ‘Nauseous Nick’ and he’s threatening to call an end to the Coalition.” 
“All I want, is to be at the Top Table, alongside Angela, in Europe; I mean, Sam darling, is it really too much to ask?”

Sam wipes the froth from her upper lip before leaning over and kissing her man on the cheek.

“There, there, Davy darling. Don’t let that clown Clegg or blood sucking George upset you. Angela and I have told you that you won’t have to wait long now that you have delivered your BIG Speech.” 
“Now, come on!” She cajoles. “Man up! Remember that photograph of Hugh Jackman that I showed to you? Do you, Davy? Visualise, visualise; that’s it. Have you got it. have you got that photograph in your mind baby?”

“Yes, I rather think I have’

“Good! Now down that pint, be my Hugh Jackman! Down it baby, down it.”

With best bitter dribbling off his small chin and down onto his blue silk tie, Call Me Dave does as his wife says and downs his pint. Gasping for breath after his tremendous feat of manliness he slams his glass onto the table and asks is wife.
“Same again Sam?”

“Is the Pope Catholic baby, is the Pope Catholic?”

The Meaning of The Big Speech!


The Snug in The Three Feathers Inn just off the Old Kent Road;

The room is empty except for one “city gent” who is sitting alone at a table in the far corner of the room. He is nursing a pint of bitter in one hand whilst holding a photograph of a frumpy, middle aged woman in the other. 
He is looking lovingly at the image and muttering;
“We did it, we did it.’

Another “city gent” comes into the snug looks around and spies the other chap. He buys himself a Pimms and saunters over to the table.
“Alwright, govner, ows it gowin?”

The other bloke looks up and swears;
“Bloody Hell, Clegg. What the fuck are you doing here and why are you trying to talk like a local?”

“Sorry, Dave, old son. I was trying to blend in.”

“Blend in? Blend in? You LibDem cretin! You can’t even blend in at a LibDem Conference. Anyway, I’ll ask again, why are you here?”

Clegg looks hurt and hesitates before pulling a chair out and sitting down. He replies:
“There was no need for that you know, after all without my support you wouldn’t even be Prime Minister. If you only knew how much stick I take every day for supporting you!”
“And its not just from colleagues in the House, Miriam thinks you are a right tosser!”

Dave glares at Clegg but before he can issue forth another tirade, Clegg asks;
“Why have you got a photo of Angela Merkel?”

“She gave it to me at the last EU summit.”

“Gave it to you?”

“Well, actually I asked her for a signed photo and she gave me this.” Dave brandishes the photo towards Clegg.

“Why on earth would you want a photo of that frumpy Frau? Does Samantha know you carry that around with you?”

“You don’t understand, Clegg. Angela has an inner strength like no other person I have ever met. "♬Deutschland, Deutschland über alles♬".

Shut up, you fool! Are you trying to get us thrown out?”  Hisses a clearly embarrassed and bewildered Clegg.

“I don’t care, after that speech I gave this morning we’re untouchable. Don’t you get it Cleggy, I had them in the palm of my hand, even that fucking UKIP rabble are stuffed now, just like Angela and Sam said they would be when they helped me write the speech.”

“They helped you write the speech?” Asks Clegg, incredulously.

“Yes, it was all Angela’s idea. She and Sam worked it all out last time we were in Strasbourg. I love strong women don’t you, Cleggy?”

“Err, yyes, I suppose I do but what is Merkel’s game?” Asks Clegg.

“Sometimes I worry about you Clegg, No wonder the LibDems are unelectable. She sees the UK and Germany as the top dogs in Europe..”

“But.” Interjects Clegg. “You have just offered the country an in/out referendum and with the latest polls showing 53% wanting out I think you and Angela need to go back to the drawing board.” 

“Oh, you of little faith! Angela and Sam told me to expect this; that’s why we are not offering a referendum until 2017. By then we will have spun a few yarns and massaged the jobless figures to suit our needs and, hey presto we’re in. Not least because Angela will guarantee that we will achieve all of our demands”

“I don’t think it will be that easy Dave, what if Labour win the next Election?”

“Oh pulease! Do grow up Clegg. I’ve already duped Milliband into saying on public television, in front of the House, that Labour do not want and will not give a referendum. Sam said that if I goad him he will fuck himself and his Party and he has.”

“Yeah, but what about Moody’s? What if they downgrade our credit rating?“ Asks Clegg, with doubt in his voice.

“They won’t, I’ve already issued a warning to all the big company’s that trade in this country that we are after them for Tax. The thing is, it doesn’t matter whether they pay or not because it sends a message out to Moody’s and the other Credit Agencies that the UK is acting responsibly in trying to get its affairs in order.”
“The next stage is to drip feed a few increases in benefits, kick a few people out just to show faith with ‘the great unwashed’. Rattle the sabre at the EU, the Frogs are already shitting themselves after my speech. Then, as I said before, time will win us the vote we want in the referendum and after that the sky’s the limit, as they say.”

Clegg sits back in his chair, glass in hand but unable to raise it to his lips.
“You are completely fucking mad aren’t you?” He says. “When the three of you were working this out did it never occur to any of you to consult me? We are partners after all!”

“Why would we consult you? What would have been the point? You need to realise that you and your Party are just a ‘means to an end’, You tried to fuck me over the boundary changes, you have blocked any reform of the ECHR and you are wasting billions on stupid fucking ‘green energy’ ! Need I go on? No, Nicky boy, your days are numbered. In fact, Sam is crossing them off the calendar on a daily basis.”

“So.” Says Clegg. “You think you can do this without my help? What if I dissolve our partnership? What then for your Master Plan, eh?”

“Oh, I should have a chat with Vince before you make any rash decisions. Very ambitious for an old man is our Vince.”

“Think you’ve got it all worked out, don’t you?’ Screams Clegg.

“No, Nicky boy. I know I’ve got it worked out. When we, the Conservative Party, win an outright victory at the next General Election I will renegotiate the Treaty and, as I said, Angela will make sure that we get everything we request. I will then give the people an in/out referendum which we will win and over the next two years I will give power back to Angela. She, in return, will make sure that Germany and The UK are the the leading powers in a new Federal Europe.”

“Where does Tony Blair fit into this ‘Grand Scheme of Things’ ?” He won’t let you ride roughshod over his ambition to become the lifelong President of the EU!”

“Blair is of no concern. He has been promised the job as long as he does as he is told and, like a good Capitalist, he has agreed. Now, any more questions?”

“What about me, you bastard! I helped you get where you are?”

“Go and have a word with that nice Mr Farage, I hear he might have some cleaning jobs going.”

Clegg storms off muttering;

“Bastard, bastard, bastard!”

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


The Author Wasn't a Lefty!:

I read recently that if UKIP keep Mr Farage as leader, they will lose the faith of the British people.
My first thought was to scoff and totally dismiss this notion as leftist propaganda. Only, the author wasn't a Lefty!

This really worried me because I hate the EU and what it stands for and to read that the Party I trust most to get Britain out of this mess is giving out the wrong message leaves questions that need answering.
My understanding and, so I'm led to believe, that of many others is that UKIP is a Party which will simplify politics. By that I mean, a UKIP MP will translate the needs / concerns of his Constituency and present them to The House. At all times putting the Constituents first. A strange concept in today's political world but one that has attracted new members. Why then is it all starting to unravel?

Whilst considering this I realised that for many peoples UKIP is still seen as a "Protest Party". 
So, how do we change this preconception? I have some suggestions which you might find contentious or, even, naive. Feel free to comment as I feel this is the very essence of UKIP, the freedom to openly debate and come to a democratically achieved decision through fact based logical argument.

  • Produce a detailed yet concise Policy Document, taking into account the needs and concerns of the people.
  • Explain Immigration Policy.
  • Explain fully the consequence - both positive and negative - of leaving The EU.
  • Explain Economic Policy.
  • Explain Domestic Policy
  • Explain Foreign Policy
  • Give individual PPC's responsibility for each section. i.e. Immigration, The Economy, Defence, etc, etc. 
  • Make it the job of these PPC's to promote their brief. (not only will this show the General Public that we do have Policies, it will also promote the profiles of the individual PPC's)
  • Utilise the Party hierarchy so that Nigel Farage does not appear to be a lone UKIP fanatic.

Yes, I know. There are gaping holes in the above whereby the opponents of UKIP can and will attempt to slaughter us. However, we have a short two years in which to show the country that we are ready and able to represent them in Parliament. Whatever funds we have should be used to promote the Party in a good and positive light. Common sense I know but those of us who have spent hard earned money to join the Party need to see the funds in action.

So in order to bring a halt to Blogs of Discontent I suggest that we (The Party), are more open with our followers. More circumspect and less vague. As I say, it is a short two years and we need to get our act together.

Please don't come back with the simplistic argument that we don't have people with the right profile yet, or that we don't have the funding. We have had twenty tears! Therefore, we must have something; utilise it!

Sunday, 20 January 2013


Our Esteemed Leaders?

Two words, "pretty grim". No matter what spin the two grinning idiots above try to put on it, this country of ours is very, very ill. Blaming the Labour Party for thirteen years of spend, spend, spend is wearing a bit thin. Non-the-less true I'll admit but, the Coalition have got to start taking responsibility for dosing us with the wrong medicine.

It wouldn't be so bad if they could agree on something once in a while. Take for example, boundary changes. Common sense if the two idiots want to stand any chance of serving another Term in Office. No, nano brain Clegg, in a fit of pique, throws his dummy out of the pram and tells the Tories he won't agree to it. In the House of Lords, LibDem Peers follow suit. 
No wonder their motto is:-

Of course, the main problem is The EU. All three Main Parties want to stay in the European Union but none will admit to the General Public that it is they the, self serving, Politicians who actually want to be in The EU. They see their careers spiralling into the stratosphere. Unlimited perks, unlimited expenses, unlimited responsibility. Everybody speaking German with French as a second language.

Its alright John, don't panic. Everyone knows you're too thick to speak English let alone another language!

Where was I? Oh yes, Our Esteemed Leaders. Therein lies my problem. Are there any, "leaders"?
Clegg?           Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, don't think so.
Cameron?      Hardly, at the moment he's like a fox whose thankful for Labour's fox hunting ban.
Milliband?     Union stooge, likes to be led.
This is why at the next General Election the few who bother to vote will probably do this:-

Where does this leave us? Wait a minute, I've just spotted a LEADER!

The three stooges running this country; make no mistake, Labour are in on the act as well, are all just that - stooges. They are all left of centre and all see a new Socialist State where there once was Europe. Stalin must be looking down and beaming.  Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy, Monetary Union under the Euro, all policed from Berlin. An Oligarchy by any other name.

What do we do? We question the three stooges for a start. We make it plain to them that we not only have a say in our own destiny but we demand it. Cameron is under the misapprehension that he will be re elected in 2015 and that he can wait until 2018 before giving the referendum that he promised four years ago when he was in Opposition. Don't be fooled, he won't be in power and there will not be a referendum. The country will be dragged further into the mire that is the EU, we will have adopted the Euro because that is what despicable Labour desire more than anything. Worse, we will have had our National Identity forcibly erased.

The Internet is a powerful tool, so is the post box; we must write letters of complaint, organise petitions, use the Social Media. Use the ballot box and dismiss these cretins who have made our lives a misery for the last fifteen years. A lot of people will not agree but we do have a choice, we can study the UKIP Policy Document and make an informed choice on who runs this country. For me it is a simple choice you either vote EU or you vote UKIP. Make no mistake, none of the present incumbents have the nerve to give the British people a straight choice between self determination and EU slavery.
For those sold on the lies about UKIP perpetuated by the Left I say, take your Politicians to task if you are against the EU but cannot, for whatever reason, vote for another Party other than the one you have always voted for. Politicians will tell you differently but, they are like solicitors, paid for by you and bound to take Instruction.

We have had thirteen years of "Nanny State" or, Dictatorship, to give it its proper name. The love in between these two:-

I really love you Tony xxx

became a hate match especially when the One Eyed Man of The Manse realised he hadn't signed a pre-nup. He took his anger out on the British people by making the country virtually bankrupt. The notion that it was all the fault of the banks is not true. Past and present Governments on both sides of the Atlantic were happy to let the banks have free reign because they all put Party before the people. Not that it bothered Blair, he went off into the sunset to cheat cultivate new friends and make his millions. Proof if proof were needed that my point about Politicians being self serving is made.

Where Does The Blame Lie?

Unfortunately if you voted for any of the, so called, Three Main Parties then you did and the blame does lie with you. However the larger burden of guilt must lie with the "Three" because they have cultivated apathy amongst the Electorate like the early settlers to America cultivated Chicken Pox amongst the indigenous population. Politics today is all about making the Party in majority look good by making everyone who disagrees with them look bad. The insidious Labour Party set up Quangos and Committees to enforce their spiteful and, in some cases unjust, views. Racist, homophobic, anti social, became the norm. Pretty soon we would all stop complaining or, so they hoped.

The Labour Party started and perpetuated the "Blame Culture", Cameron and his buddies have done nothing to stop it. Cameron is a white version of Obama. both tell the Public what they want to hear in order to get the popular vote. They both bleat that although they are the good guys it is all the others who stop them doing what the people want.

So, yes. You are to blame but, in mitigation, you were all suckered in by some very polished PR. Something the Labour Party learned in their "Wilderness" years but something the arrogant Tories failed to do.

What Next?

Nigel Farage uses plain speaking and, unusual for a Politician, truth. Our brains have become so desensitised to this form of rhetoric that we find it hard to believe what he says. Ask a question and he answers it. Got to be lying is your first thought. Then after a while, if you allow your brain to think about what the answer was, you realise that it is in fact true. Sometimes it is not what you want to hear but the truth rarely is. Frightening isn't it. A politician who actually worries about his country rather than his bank balance. Yes, UKIP have had problems but unlike this idiot:-

The self proclaimed Wallace of the Labour Party. Our leadership did something about it. They acted swiftly and in the interests of the majority. Not something Call Me Dave, Wallace and Clammy Clegg are used to.

Hopefully, THE FUTURE

Saturday, 19 January 2013


In a Street Near You:

Happy motoring folks. Or, NOT!

When our friends at New Labour decided in 1998 to hand 40% of trunk road responsibility  to Local Authorities it was a disaster waiting to happen. Cash strapped Councils were not going to spend money on roads when a final salary pension and excessive wage bills had to be accounted for. 

The legacy of this neglect is plain for all road users to see. POTHOLES!

The authorities will tell you that the main cause of this highway pockmark is excessive rainfall over the past two years, coupled with two unseasonably severe winters. Believe that if you must but I put it down to neglect by Local Councils and Government. Labour's obsession with trying to push everyone onto filthy, often unreliable, Public Transport and their subsequent directive to Councils to install costly traffic calming zones and the hated speed cameras, all diverted money away from road maintenance.

Labour wasted more money, when in 2004 they introduced proposals for a new funding source for traansport schemes. They called this the Transport Innovation Fund. I call it a waste of money. Most of the schemes proposed by Labour were held up by lengthy disputes with local pressure groups and the courts. So much so that in 2007 they introduced a new Planning Bill which, they said, would speed up the approval of new roads and transport infrastructure. Unsurprisingly, this caused an outcry . Many people were calling it a "Developers Charter" whilst others went further by saying that it would erode Democracy. What, New Labour eroding Democracy?
The fact is, during the twenty year period between 1985 and 2005, road traffic increased by 80% whilst road capacity only rose by 10%.

The Coalition are no better than New Labour. They to prefer to ignore the problem and instead blame the weather and the lack of response from Local Authorities.

However, in 2009 they allotted £200 million to Local Authorities for road repair and maintenance. What you might call a mere 'drop in the pothole'!
Especially when you consider a Which report that found that the back log of  road repairs per Local Authority in England is getting bigger. Rising from over £53 million in 2009 to over £61 million in 2012, Local Authorities estimate that it would cost nearly £13 billion to clear the backlog. Add to that the £20 million that Local Authorities had to pay out in compensation last year to drivers whose vehicles were damaged by potholes.

To put this into perspective, Oxford CC have 8000 more road defects during this financial year than in an average financial year. A source says that by the end of March it expects to have repaired a total of 32000 defects since April 2012 an increase of 33% over an average year.

So, Mr Beeching, was it a good idea to axe nearly two thirds of the railway system in this country? Not forgetting John Prescott who idly sat back and watched the the roads being destroyed by more and more heavy goods vehicles from the continent. The only legislation he allowed was for bigger juggernauts to be allowed on our already inadequate roads.

Could it have all been a New Labour plot to get this country ever deeper into the clutches of the EU by making us reliant on subsidies for road and transport infrastructure?


Thursday, 17 January 2013

Halcyon Days.

Halcyon Days

My mind often turns to those halcyon days
Filled with long summers and end of term plays.
Radio, still the king of the air and the mood of the people,
Devil may care.
The girls all loved Elvis, Cliff and Dion,
And the latest films were showcased in neon.
Where have they gone, those years tinged with gold?
When Quentin Crisp, whilst camp but bold,
Shocked the world when he said, “it’s OK 
to accept men who are openly gay!”
A new age of freedom, of expression, of speech
The old order dismantled a President impeached! 
Wars fought and lost, unrest on the street,
A city divided by steel and concrete.
A new world to build full of hope and ambition
Free of tyranny, lies and sedition.
Now it is done, on a new world we gaze
So why do we turn to those halcyon Days?



Some Easy Reading.

A State of Fear

New Labour put in cameras
New Labour made new laws
New Labour had a big stick
To keep you all indoors

New Labour’s got no backbone
New labour’s got no clue
New labour’s got a mandate
To control all of you

New Labour’s got no conscience
New Labour has to to be right
New labour had got the secret police
To take you in the night

New Labour’s got no money
New labour’s got no skills
New Labour had no sympathy 
To anyone it killed

New Labour’s got this theory
New Labour’s got this plan
New Labour’s got the need
To clone the ‘working man’

New Labour’s got The Millibands’
New Labour had Jack Straw
New Labour’s got mad Harriet
To scare you to the core

New Labour had you by the balls
New Labour had to dictate
New Labour had the power
To make you fearful of the State

New Labour’s got new leaders
New Labour’s still the same
New Labour’s task is simple
To play the same old game!

No Win No Claim

A message to employers of idiots with no brain
Sack them all before your pockets start to feel the strain.
Don’t give them a scaffold ladder to climb up the factory wall
Because, just like Humpty Dumpty, you’ll be heading for a fall.
As soon as the ladder shudders, before he hits the ground
The fire alarm installer will be worth a thousand pound.
The National Accident Helpline will receive his call with glee
Fat cats all, in pinstripes, leeching off you and me.

Invest in your foyer, put carpet wall to wall
Then you might prevent some idiot heading for a fall
Keep back your mops and buckets for cleaning out the loo
Use barriers and signs which tell people what to do.
And if some fool ignores them and falls flat on his face
Take an instant photo and weaken the idiot’s case
The National Accident Helpline will receive his call with glee
Fat cats all, in pinstripes, leeching off you and me.

They are all out there to get you; I’ll name but a few,
There are The National Accident Helpline and Injury lawyers 4U
They portray the bumbling idiot as a victim of our times
And it’s you, the business owner who is blamed for all the crimes.
It is your insurance premiums that will be going through the roof
Idiot and lawyer need very little proof.
The National Accident Helpline will receive his call with glee
Fat cats all, in pinstripes, leeching off you and me.


Standing tall on bended knee the Squire, in peasants clothes,
Asked the maiden to marry him as she skipped by in repose.
‘Marry you? Forsooth, she said. ‘I cannot be your bride,
It is said that you prefer young men to walk close by your side!’
‘Fear not sweet maid those days are gone I am no more that way,
The witch who cast a spell on me died just yesterday.’
‘She thought she was safe in hiding but I soon found her lair,
See, here is a bloodstained lock of the evil crones black hair.’

‘I’m sorry Lord, the answer’s no, my mind you will not sway,
Especially as I saw you, ‘in flagrante’,  yesterday
I believe he is a swain, a herder of your sheep,
But fear not my Lord and Master, tis a secret I will keep.’
‘Come now pretty maiden, your eyes they dost deceive,
For I was merely giving instruction before he took his leave.’
‘Instruction to serf from Master will never go amiss,
But did you have to convey it with a sloppy Kiss?’

‘You forget yourself, young maiden. Am I not your Squire?’
Asked the Aristocratic youth, suffused with angst and ire.
‘Stamping your foot my Lord will not get you your way
For I love another whom I hope to marry some fine day.’
‘You will marry me and like it!’ The chastened youth replied.
As for this other prospect, why I’ll have his hide!’
‘Wake, my Lord. You are dreaming,’ it was repeated once again.
As he was woken from a drunken sleep by the landlords daughter Jane.


(This Sums up Labour & the Tories)

Jonny Doggerel was not adverse to writing poetry
About his cat!
Not that he owned one,
But Jonny couldn’t see the irony in that.
Aunty Cedric, a cross dressing nun
Had bought him a toy one just for fun.
She had slipped out at Vespers,
On a day dank and foggy
So no one would notice a nun and stuffed moggie.
Named Dermi, by Jonny for reasons unknown
Who spent hours on the internet seeking a clone.
His mother worried
But what could she do? 
He was also her brother and twenty two.
Sadly the end of this story is sad
Dermi fell foul of Jonny’s mad dad.
Who tripped over the cat as it lay on the floor
Forgotten by Jonny who had gone to the moor
to fly his new kite.
He returned full of vigour and flushed with good health
To find his stuffed cat unstuffed on the shelf.

Finally, one for the children.

Farmyard Squabbles

“Cluck, cluck, cluck,” said Mother Hen.
“Look at my chicks, I’ve now got ten!
There’s Hetty, Clarabelle, Sydney and James,
Jeffery, Susie, Mary and Maime
Then there is Donna and Chrissie as well,
Who both had a problem breaking their shell!”

“Well, I’ve got twelve ducklings,” said Dilly the Duck
“You don’t hear me going cluck, cluck, cluck!
Stop strutting around; it’s really quite rude!
And it’s not as if they’re your first brood.
Dignity dear and quiet; if you’re able,
And you may just stay off the farmer’s table!”

“Now stop it you two,” said Harriet Hog.
“My young are asleep by that log,
Twelve little piglets all pink and replete
Having a nap after something to eat;
I’m going to be angry if I hear a pig squeak
And I’ll chase you two for the rest of the week!”

“Cluck, cluck, cluck,” said Old Mother Hen
“And how will you chase me from inside that pen?
“Oh I’ll find a way, you mark my words
And I’ll take no cheek from a couple of birds!”
From the back of the sty came a mighty roar
And out ran her husband; Henry the boar.

He charged at the gate but the bolts held firm
Henry just roared and started to turn
Then he charged once again and the gate exploded
The hinges flew off and the bolts just folded
The piglets awoke and started to cry
Then ran from the log and outside the sty

“You stupid old Hog!” Shouted Henry’s wife,
“You really are the bane of my life!
Get after my babies, and then fix that gate
They’re due for a feed so don’t you be late!”
So off he went, under a cloud
The hen and the duck were laughing out loud.

‘It’s all your fault, you quarrelsome pair!’
Said Harriet under a baleful stare
That was aimed at the two mirth ridden fowl,
Now on their backs, beginning to howl.
‘Just go away and take your brood
You’re not only stupid, but downright rude!’

‘Oh, poor Mrs Piggy.’ Said Dilly the Duck.
It was then that Harriet ran amok!
Like a misguided missile she leapt from her pen
Aiming, roughly at Old Mother Hen
The farmyard was filled with feathers and dust
As the birds leapt away from The Piggy’s blood lust

Ducklings were quacking, the chicks went tweet, tweet
All of them dodging the pigs flying feet.
It took an age for the pig to grow calm
She had chased the birds all over the farm.
On weary trotters, and mouth flecked with foam
Harriet turned and headed for home. 

Dilly the Duck said, ‘wasn’t that fun?
Did you see how quick that fat pig could run?’
‘Yes,’ said the hen. ‘she was in a state.
Did you see her face when the boar broke the gate?’
‘Yes, and his face when he trudged from the pen?
I can’t wait till tomorrow to do it again!’


It won't make much sense at first but, then again, it isn't supposed to. You will get the message half way through. Unfortunately that is all too often the case!

A Forgotten Picnic

A naked man in a pin-striped suit on a park bench in the High Street.
An empty briefcase, overflowing, lies bulging at his bare feet.
Sandwiches, made long ago,wrapped in green and gold
Awaiting to unleash a swarm of spores from bread yeast mould
Lie on the seat, beside him in the glare of the mid-day sun
Wilting in their wrapping next to a discoloured Chelsea bun.

He bends, retrieves the briefcase; water splashes about.
Looking dismayed he shakes it, on his face a look of doubt.
He doesn’t feel the water as it splashes on his thigh,
He doesn’t see the knowing looks of each ignorant passer-by.
The briefcase falls, forgotten, to land upon the ground,
The man checks his pockets but nothing can be found.

Tears of frustration build and gather in angry red eyes,
Then drop to mix with water on the poor man’s sodden thighs.
Confused, he looks about him. For what, he doesn’t know,
He scratches his head for guidance until blood begins to flow.
Does anyone stop or try to help this man who is in distress?
No, its not their problem, just someone else’s mess!

The confusion is deliberate in the verses written above,
They are written with a purpose lest someone whom you love
Falls foul of the curse of dementia and all it does entail
To think it is just the memory that first begins to fail,
Is to be blinded by the facts and grief that does ensue
Dementia doesn’t discriminate, the next one could be you!