
Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Hitler had His "Brownshirts", The far Left have their, "Cybermen"!

Some years ago I saw an article written in Workers Liberty detailing the protest against Nigel Farage’s North East rally. This spurred me to dedicate a blog to Hope not Hate and its celebrity supporters such as Billy Bragg. For those not familiar with this brazen Left Wing organisation; Hope not Hate is a advocacy group based in the United Kingdom that "campaigns to counter racism and fascism". Founded in 2004 by Nick Lowles, a former editor of anti-fascist magazine Searchlight. It is backed by various politicians and celebrities, and is a beacon for several trade unions.
However, whilst researching for the article I started to think about the looney left who turn out, come rain or shine, to accuse any so-called Right Wing organisation, i.e any organisation or individual who does not go along with their particular kind of Left Wing dogma of racism, fascism, homophobia and what ever ism or obia they feel able to spell when assembling their placards.
Imagine the nightmare scenario had we decided to stay in the EU. Better still, imagine the panic amongst these clowns when, after a month of EU Gestapo tactics, the people of this country actually woke up and started to rebel. Don’t get me wrong, I feel no sympathy for them, I believe that they should get everything that they deserve.  They remind me of ‘Dr Who’, and the Cyborgs from the planet Mondas, these; cybermen whom, because they have had to implant more and more artificial parts into their bodies as a form of self-preservation has led to the race becoming coldly illogical yet calculating, with every emotion deleted from their minds. The description fits the far left perfectly. Perhaps we should start calling them Mondasians
Can you imagine;
'Quick, there are a load of Mondasians coming down the street all carrying placards with
Facelifts fascists out written on them!'

The unfortunate thing is that these people, through the socialist press, have the ear of the electorate. More so now since a rabid left Winger by the name of Corbyn held the reins in the Labour Party. In his successor we have a, European Union-loving,  Labour Party leader who,  as Director of Public Prosecutions, seemed to openly ignored the plight of thousands of young girls  in the UK who were victims of vile Pakistani Asian grooming gangs. Very few of these men have been brought to justice, protected by Left Wing local government and a Pakistani community which refuses to integrate and looks upon these young girls as mere infidels, trash to be used and abused as their men see fit.
We should be doubly worried enough to get out onto the street to scotch their filthy lies and innuendo and to speak out loud to condemn the abuse suffered by our children, then and now!

Take for example the "Bard of Barking" or as I refer to him, Billy Bragg the "barking bard", back in April 2014 he was, apparently, the lone voice speaking out against a boycott of a United Kingdom Independence Party rally held at the Gateshead Sage. He said and I quote.
I want people to hear UKIP, every time they open their mouths everyone can hear what crazy people they are. It make them feel like martyrs if they are banned. Let them come, make their argument and then we’ll put some facts into it.’
The man is a  hypocrites, hypocrite and patron of ‘Hope not Hate,’ the organisation which I described above and which is allegedly dedicated to the destruction of free speech and real democracy. Their biggest claim to fame is that they have hounded the BNP almost out of existence. Not a bad thing when you consider that the BNP truly acted like an offshoot of Sir Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists. However, HnH then set its sights firmly on UKIP and the English Defence League (EDL), which begs the question, are we really in the presence of Mondasians?
We should certainly be wary!
Like the majority of far-left activist, card-carrying loonies marching for the “rights of the working man”, the majority of these hypocrites haven’t a clue. Most of them compose their eulogies in the comfort of their own homes on expensive iMacs, in fashionable parts of whatever city they live in. Take Bragg for instance he lives in the Dorset town of Burton Bradstock enjoying a wealthy lifestyle, far removed from the back streets of Barking, yet he still plays the part of the champion for the lower classes. I am not envious of wealth, I applaud anyone who gets up off their backsides and makes something of themselves. What does irk me though is that some of these so-called 'self-made people' totally ignore the fact that it is capitalism and a free society not socialism that has allowed them to succeed. By all means support those who, for one reason or another, have not been able to fulfil their dreams but be honest about it. Tell people the whole story, tell them that by adopting socialist ideals of equal pay and equal Rights for all  that someone has to pay! Unsurprisingly, ‘that someone’ is every taxpayer in the land. I do not mind contributing a little more if it means a better society, a safer society and a more prosperous society but if contributing a little more is the result of socialist ‘politics of envy’ then I draw the line!
In this age of social media, networking and false news, is it any wonder that people are duped by celebrity fuelled Hope not Hate. Let's face it, most people are impressed with celebrity, mobile phones have seen instant celebrity become a daily worldwide occurrence. One could argue that this is aimless, apathetic attitude is a result of New Labour’s policy of deliberately dumbing down the UK populace. So when you have people such as these posing as prominent supporters of Hope not Hate: -
Lord Sugar, boxer Amir Khan, singer Beverly Knight, actress and screenwriter Meera Syal, TV presenter Fiona Phillips, chef Simon Rimmer, songwriter Billy Bragg, entrepreneur Levi Roots, singer Speech Debelle, actress and singer Paloma Faith, presenter Dermot O'Leary, Baroness Glenys Kinnock and comedian Eddie Izzard.
You have to ask, are you surprised that the New Labour generation are impressed by vacuous celebrity?
The Left Wing media goes out of its way to support and sponsor Hope not Hate and other similar organisations. My message is; tell everyone you know NOT to buy into it any more. In my opinion most of these Left Wing organisations are hiding behind charitable status and need to be recognised as such and not applauded.

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