
Tuesday, 21 May 2013


If ever there was proof that this country needs a complete change of Government, the price fixing debacle with regard to Oil pricing is surely it.
The rot goes through every Government Department be it Ministerial or non-Ministerial.
When I say, 'change of Government', I mean complete change! LibLabConDem have had their day. How much longer do we, the British Public, have to put up with being lied to, stolen from, defrauded, spied upon, and, in some cases killed through lack of care, before someone has the guts to say: "Enough is enough!"

The OFT gave the Oil Industry a clean bill of health only five months ago. Did any of their investigators get close enough to even sniff oil let alone a conspiracy? They are totally useless and a complete waste of time. It is obvious, even to a blind man, that if oil prices are rising across the World at the same exorbitant rate, month in month out and the selling price is the same from country to country then something is drastically wrong. My first question. Where is the competition?
The difference in 'end-product' price can be explained by Government taxes as differing World Governments have varying tax rates. However the rapid rise in petrol prices over the last decade cannot be justified. Especially when the Oil Industry has made a profit over that period of around £300billion. That is profit not turnover!

As usual a big scandal, such as the rigging of oil prices, has been deliberately put on the back burner. This time by the Tory infighting that is taking place because of same sex marriage, Europe and Call Me Dave's ability - or not - as leader. 
Norman Tebbitt is even considering marrying his son in order to avoid death duties. Has Cameron been on the 'Loony Juice' or, is he now so aloof that he needs oxygen? To put into perspective just how loony Cameron has become, another quote from Lord Tebbitt sums up the latest debacle superbly.
I said to a minister I know: “Have you thought this through? Because you’re doing the law of succession, too.”
‘When we have a queen who is a lesbian and she marries another lady and then decides she would like to have a child and someone donates sperm and she gives birth to a child, is that child heir to the throne?’

I think that this typifies this Coalition Government. Lack of connection with grass root support and the public, lack of innovative ideas, lack of direction, lack of leadership and, pretty soon, lack of members. UKIP are now only 2 points behind the Tories, according to the latest poll, so its no wonder that they are running around like headless chickens, begging support from Labour whilst ignoring the obvious.

'The obvious', for any lame-bellies out there, is that the Tories have lost the trust of the British people. This is not 'mid-term blues' as they would have you believe. Not even a 'grey' revolt; it is the voice of a people woken up from twenty years of politically induced apathy. This country is in a mess, we can see it, we feel it, we live it! We no longer believe the Harmans, Cleggs, Camerons, Clarkes, who come out and spout lies about the benefits of belonging to the debauched EU.

As the immigrant population rises whilst the unemployment queues rise  proportionately we have to wonder why? What have we, the British people, done that is so wrong that we deserve this punishment?. The answer is, we have all suffered from a bad attack of gullibility. Thankfully, people are now waking up and this is  good for the country but bad for the 'old school', LibDemConLab Parties. Especially for Teddy Milidew and his insidious Labour Party, which is why they have been so quiet lately. 
Don't be fooled into a false sense of security by this paucity of noise from the Left. You can bet your life that the script writers at the Labour Lie Factory are hard at it as we speak, furiously scribbling new lies with the aim of creating as much plausible deniability as possible. 

Back at the Tory Twilight Home For The Bewildered the infighting still goes on. Laugh as we may at their disarray we also need to realise just how serious this really is. If they collapse and a General Election is called then we have the very real prospect of the inmates taking over the asylum, just as they did in 1997.
Clegg is useless and only interested in keeping the LibDems in power through the misfortune of others. 
At the beginning of this blog I stated that this country needed a complete change of Government and, I stand by that. However, in the short-term, the Tories need to sort themselves out and quickly or, God forbid, we have the spectre of Miliband and his Union Barons ruining the country.

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