Lessons Learned?
A vile narcissist, an acolyte and a deluded wife condemn six children to death because of the loss to a State-fuelled income of £80:40 per week. A mere 7.71% of the yearly amount this man and his family claimed per year once you have deducted the earnings of his wife and girlfriend.
Quite rightly, the three of them were brought to justice and jailed for this vile crime against six innocent youngsters. Not so the narcissists and jobsworths sitting in the House of the Deluded. They could not wait to get on record to spout their opinions as to why this happened. No doubt, at some time over the next few days, we will get the usual rhetoric,
'blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, lessons will be learned, blah, blah, blah'.
How often have we been on this merry-go-round of politic-speak? How many lessons will have to be learned before the message gets through? Sadly, the answer is that the lessons are not likely to be learned because they go against the beliefs of the, self serving, Mandarins who run the country. The same, self serving, Mandarins who make up the rules by which we, mere mortals, have to live by. The same, self serving, Mandarins who watch every move that we make, every minute of every day.
The same, self serving, Mandarins who will brook no criticism of their methods or actions.
The system is ruthlessly run by the acolytes of the political elite who, fearful of wrath from above, pass the message down to their acolytes, who, ever fearful for their non-jobs, pass the message down to their acolytes and so it goes on.
It has to stop! This endless circle of 'pass-the-buck has been going on for too long.
It is a game to these people, pass-the-buck long enough and the public forget about it. Should they not, then produce a new, shinier, buck and start to pass that around. The whole system stinks because it is rotten to the core. It is no surprise that Nigel Farage, the leader of The United Kingdom Independence Party, is on a venue bursting tour of the country at the moment. He actually speaks the same language as the people whom he wants to help.
"Scaremongering" say his critics. "A breath of fresh air" say the a majority of the voting public. Let me ask this, has he passed-the-buck on any issue? Has he ducked a question? Has he sought to divert attention away from the real issues? NO!
Yes, I'm angry and it probably comes across in my writing of this. However, I am not angry because of the Welfare State. Nor, am I angry at the short sentences passed down on the "Vile Three". I am angry at the ridiculous political elite who cannot see any further than the gold-plated trough that they all feed from. Nothing will change under their sponsorship, we need a new wind. A wind which will blow away all of the rhetoric, all of the dross, all of the partisan lines and will replace it with the will of the people.
What was the point of the Magna Carta if we allow this bunch of self serving career politicians to pillage the country?
Finally, I am angry when these same politicians allow a woman to turn her womb into a mint and then have the audacity to bicker amongst themselves whilst conveniently forgetting that six innocent children died because of their lack of policy or care!
Six children!
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