What Decade?
So, Call Me Dave is going to get tough on social housing for immigrants. Excuse me whilst I laugh; ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha. I wonder, has a certain Mr Nigel Farage got him worried? Last week it was his best buddy, Clegg, who had an epiphany and decided to abandon the LiDems ‘Earned Citizenship’ policy. If you can remember, this looney policy would allow illegal immigrants to stay in this country once they had been here for ten years or more. Apparently he is now of the opinion that the amnesty would undermine public confidence. You don’t say, Cleggy!
Then we have, ‘The Amnesiac’, I’m talking about Ed Miliband or, Ed Milibland, as my wife refers to him. He gave a speech in Birmingham in which he constantly banged on about, what he called, The Lost Decade. I’m not really sure as to which “decade” he was referring. He said in his speech that the financial crisis began 2008, so I presume we are to believe that he means the ten years to 2018.
But, does he? I think we need a bit of perspective here, Labour left this country in more debt than at any time in modern history. Over one trillion pounds. The scale of borrowing by these socialist morons was totally off the scale. They (Labour) are very adept at blaming the banks for all of our woes and, to some extent, they are absolutely correct. However, it was against all advice that Gordon Brown de- regulated the banks in this country and then, to rub salt into the wound, sold the majority of our gold reserves at tidy loss.
With no proper regulation, the banks were free to do as they wanted with our money and, they did. Huge profits could be made by speculating on the international money markets, buying and selling phantom shares, selling debt, the fanciful list goes on and on. It is estimated that just before the crash the banks were borrowing anything from £10 to £30 for every £1 they earned. Is it any wonder they crashed?
To refresh Mr Miliband’s tiny mind, the Labour Government had to enter a new phase of multi million pound bail-outs to the banks in 2008. Bear in mind that they had been in office for ten years and were now entering their eleventh year. (Ten years? I believe that is a decade Mr Miliband!)
- February 2008: Northern Rock is nationalised, this after the Bank of England had bailed it out to the tune of millions of pounds in 2007!
- September 2008: Lloyds TSB is allowed to buy HBOS, facilitated by Labour of course.
- September 2008: eleven days after the Lloyds HBOS merger, the government nationalises Bradford & Bingley. The Treasury takes over the £50 billion mortgage portfolio and then sells its deposits and branches to Spanish bank Santander.
- October 13 2008: the government pumps £37billion of our money (taxpayers) into RBS, Lloyds TSB and HBOS. All the while, the banks continue to pay inflated annual bonuses, obviously with borrowed money - yours and mine!
- November 2008: in an attempt to buy the next General Election for themselves, the Labour government says it will put £20billion into the economy in 2010, this will include tax cuts and £3billion of capital spending.
- November 2008: the government is forced to buy a 58% stake in RBS which amounts to a sum of £15 billion.
That was just 2008 Mr Miliband and, let’s not forget, from 1997 to 2002 you were special advisor to Gordon Brown in the Treasury Office. Far be it for me to ask, but do you think some of the fiscal disasters of the ‘decade’ 1997 to 2007 could have been caused by any advice you gave to Mr Brown? You can posture and crow all that you want as to how ineffectual Osborne’s financial policies are and how they are dragging the country further into recession instead of taking us out of it. The problem is, you have no real answers either; sorry, your answer is to borrow our way out of recession. Good thinking but, isn’t that how we got in this mess?
By the way, message to all three of you, Clegg, Cameron and Miliband; the people of this country are fed up to the back teeth with your lame apologies. They mean nothing, they are always too late and they are usually sandwiched between soundbites. e.g. The Big Society or One Nation Labour. Pathetic! Another thing, how can we be One Nation when your Party and the Coalition have flooded the country with foreign nationals? DIVIDED NATION maybe, but One Nation, never!
Your social experiment has failed and so has “One Party Politics”. Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats; you are all socialists. We get the same words but, not necessarily in the same order. We get the same policies but, not necessarily worded as such. Same, same, same. You should form a coalition - The Same Party - you might do well in the marginals.
I have devoted the majority of this blog to Miliband but, it is because his and, his Parties hypocrisy is so easy to see through and rip apart. The Coalition is much the same. Miliband is quite right when he says that the Coalition should have done more and that we should have seen better results by now. This is my point, none of them have any new ideas about anything. Perhaps Gove is the only beacon in a dismal political landscape at the moment but, even he will toe the Party line when told to.
We need a fresh approach and that is why the good people of this country are turning to UKIP. No longer the protest vote but the peoples vote!
People are beginning to realise that we are not racist, not homophobic, not anti Europe but against the EU. We are safe and the country would be safe in our hands and people up and down the UK are seeing this. Cameron and Clegg’s U-turns are because they are frightened of us, Miliband’s, “Lost Decade” speech was written because Labour are frightened of UKIP too.
UKIP stands for common sense and realism, the three main Parties in this country have not been realistic for Decades. They are blinkered, idealistic, self serving and subservient to the EU.
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