One could be excused for believing that we have just held a referendum in this country on our membership of the EU. All the indications are that, even though the majority voted to leave the insidious institution that is the European Union, our politicians and all those still reliant upon the EU gravy train are doing all in their power to defy the will of the people.
The Etonian bully boys, Cameron and Osborne have left the country in a mess, so confident of winning the referendum that they made no contingency plans should they lose. Their campaign of fear and smear still lingers on, perpetuated by dinosaurs like Ken Clarke and free-loaders such as Nick Clegg and Tim Farron.
Cameron, still believing in his own propaganda concerning the EU, took the cowards way out and resigned. He had promised, (another of those cast-iron promises) to go to Brussels the day after the referendum result and invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty should the vote not go his way. Theresa May, given Office by a spiteful and panicked Conservative government of Europhiles, should have done as Cameron had promised and beat a retreat to Brussels, as fast as her Jimmy Choo’s would let her, to invoke said Article. By not doing so she has opened a can of worms and her statement that “BREXIT means BREXIT” seems rather meaningless. The Jury, as they say, is still out!
We now have to wait for a High Court decision on the legality of the Prime Ministers power to invoke A50 without the say so of parliament. A court action brought by ex-Pats who, whilst living the good life on the European Continent, still lay claim to all of the benefits of being British and see their particular gravy train being derailed by our exit.
Listening to the BBC and the other MSM outlets one would believe that had it not been for the vote to BREXIT all would be well in the world. What complete and utter rubbish! The European Union is a failure, like Socialism the concept is good but impractical. One could be forgiven for believing that the EU was modelled upon the NHS, a burgeoning bureaucracy bedevilled by incompetence and overpaid unelected senior staff who see the whole system as their own personal pension fund whilst the rest of us ride on a second-hand tumbril to our own misery.
Never has there been a better time for a new direction and a firm grip of the present political situation in which this country finds itself. UKIP, having driven the government to hold a referendum must now complete the mission and make sure that the will of the people is carried out. Easy to say but remember a few years ago the same was being said about the idea of holding a referendum.
Everything is possible if, as Nigel Farage has often said, ‘enough little people get together and take on the Establishment’. The one UK Independence Party MP is, at best, part-time UKIP so it is down to the four hundred plus UKIP Councillors throughout the country who have the ear of thousands of “little people” to make the difference. Aided by the hundreds of UKIP Branches and members throughout this great land of ours.