
Wednesday, 14 December 2016

May v The Will of The People

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the excitement of having Mrs May at the helm is swiftly turning to dismay. The longer she holds out on the triggering of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty the more annoyed and suspicious of her motives people get.

The argument being foisted upon the Nation by number 10 is that she is being naturally cautious because she wants the best possible deal for the UK. This is simply not true. For Mrs May and the majority of Tory Mandarins the best deal would be to stay in the European Union.
To this end she is delaying invoking Article 50 for as long as she possibly can.  Don’t forget for one moment that this woman is a very astute politician. She is in the job that she has always craved for and you can bet that she intends to be in it for a very long time. 
As Home Secretary she spent six years absorbing and deflecting criticism, Followed the EU diktat and reduced the UK Border Force to ineffective. Made swinging cuts to the police force and then had the temerity to criticise the police at their own conference for not doing enough to fight crime and, especially, for not doing enough to investigate crime within the Force itself. She announced that so concerned was she that she would put forward a Bill aimed at protecting whistleblowers within the police force.
In her we have a woman who is not afraid to face her critics and a politician with complete confidence in her own abilities so, when she says that she is in no hurry to trigger Article 50 you had better believe her. Telling the Nation that she wants the best possible deal is, as I have said just not true. She needs to invoke A50 as soon as possible in order for negotiations to start on the terms of the UK withdrawal.  The terms are dictated by the EU and we have no say in the matter so all of this globe trotting by the “Chosen Three” under the guise of pre-negotiation talks is just a crock of crap.

Read the following, taken from Open Europe, so as to get a better grasp on why I believe Mrs May is deliberately dragging her feet.

Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union allows a member state to notify the EU of its withdrawal and obliges the EU to try to negotiate a ‘withdrawal agreement’ with that state – it involves five points laid out below.”
1 “Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.
2 A Member State which decides to withdraw shall notify the European Council of its intention. In the light of the guidelines provided by the European Council, the Union shall negotiate and conclude an agreement with that State, setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union. That agreement shall be negotiated in accordance with Article 218(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. It shall be concluded on behalf of the Union by the Council, acting by a qualified majority, after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.
3 The Treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period.
4 For the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 3, the member of the European Council or of the Council representing the withdrawing Member State shall not participate in the discussions of the European Council or Council or in decisions concerning it. A qualified majority shall be defined in accordance with Article 238(3)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
5 If a State which has withdrawn from the Union asks to rejoin, its request shall be subject to the procedure referred to in Article 49.”

It is no coincidence that the Tory Party had no intention of letting the lowly membership have a say in who was to become their new Leader. It was pre-ordained, the writing was on the wall as soon as Boris Johnson and then Gove were ceremoniously sidelined. I have no doubt that in Mrs May's eyes, BREXIT does indeed mean BREXIT. But it will be BREXIT on her terms and her idea of BREXIT that we get. 
We must not allow this to happen and to this end the 17.4 million who voted to leave must be on her case day in day out.

The argument that we do not have the number of trained negotiators required to carry out the task of leaving the EU is another lie. We have been offered help by several of our Commonwealth partners, most of whom are eager to strike up trade deals with the UK and because of this they would obviously look to get the very best deal that they can. 
Theresa May must be pressured into invoking A50 before the end of the year, shortly before or, just after the Conservative conference would be good.
The longer this drags on the more the insecurities grow within the public and the business community. We have done the first part and now we must be strong enough to carry through the will of the majority of the people by making sure that the government keeps its end of the bargain.

The doomsayers argue that we are heading down a path of self destruction, heading into an unknown world whereby we (the UK) have no option but to fail. I say, rubbish! We are on the brink of greatness and only those with limited vision or snouts glued to the EU trough cannot see this.
Even the economists have had to admit that they were wrong in their estimates of how far we would fall economically if we came out of the EU. Major companies are eager to stay and create jobs, the financial situation is not as good as we would like but it is nowhere near as bad as predicted, plus the signs look good for future economic growth.

So, Mrs May, it is now too late to throw caution to the wind and do as Cameron promised he would do? Had he kept that promise Article 50 would have been invoked on June 24th. So it is now up to you as his successor to uphold the will of the majority and make sure that you carry out the people’s wishes. Your dithering has caused all of this uncertainty and the unnecessary court cases which are being lodged with the sole aim of delaying the triggering of A50!

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Where is the Middle?

In Western politics much credence is given to Right Wing, Left Wing, Far Right, Far Left, Left of Centre or, Right of Centre. The fact is, whether you want to believe it or not, since the Second World War we have all been voting for the Left in its various forms including Conservatism.
Even the UK Independence Party, hailed as the saviour of British politics by its members, is more Left leaning than it would care to admit. 

I do not advocate Nazi style Far Right Wing politics nor, for that matter, the Far Left of Stalin or Mao. What I am trying to say is that there is no balance, especially in British politics. Post WW11 Western Governments were so afraid of the Far Right that they virtually banned it. I would suggest that this is why it is now creeping back and getting stronger. It’s a bit like Japanese Knot Weed, if you don’t eradicate it completely it eventually comes back and is as invasive as ever.
To take this line of thought one step further; calling anyone who disagrees with your political views “Fascist” - a term invented by the Communist Bolsheviks - seems to be de rigueur nowadays. The truth is that although there are still true Nazis out there, they are few and far between. What they spawned though is an abundance of sick Left Wing political classes intent on pursuing the very insular politics that their predecessors fought so hard to eradicate.
There is no balance, only imbalance!

It is time for a new Right Wing Party, not Ultra Right Wing, not Far Right Wing, or, even, Right of Centre. Just plain and simple Right Wing, a movement that will, after nearly seventy years, give some balance to British politics.
The Left has totally lost direction and, more importantly, the trust of the people. Take the debacle that is BREXIT. He lied, she lied, the ebb and flow of public opinion often fuelled by a vitriolic Left Wing Press. A Government totally out of touch with the people that it is supposed to serve. A result that the Establishment did not want, the architect of choice gone like a thief in the night. Too afraid to stay because he only had a “Plan A”. 
A total dog’s breakfast.
More than ever, this country desperately needs a new Party, there is no “Middle Ground”, the scales are leaning ever more to the Left and the only ground to the Right  is barren. BREXIT is stagnating whilst the politicians fight amongst themselves, all blatantly ignoring the people.
It will take a brave bunch of people to set up a new Right Wing Party and an even braver person to be leader of it. They must all be prepared to be compared to the Nazi Party. Expect the usual epithets of hate and derision and through all of this they must compile a manifesto which appeals to the majority of the people.
Not an easy task but a necessary one. Every Government Department must be looked at and policies written to cover the activities of those Departments.  Energy, Climate, Defence, The Economy, Fisheries, Agriculture, etc. All must be addressed with sensible and affordable policies which must then be presented to the people.
The Party needs to bring a new form of Conservatism to the table, not the wishy-washy Left leaning tripe that we have grown up with but a fresh ideal favouring free enterprise and espousing a commitment to traditional values and new ideas. 
Institutions such as the NHS need to be completely restructured. It is and always has been a ‘political football’ and this helps no one. A start could be made by addressing the following: 
 No Privatisation for the sake of Privatisation, Every department to be thoroughly scrutinised and every penny spent costed and valued. Bring back in-house NHS laundries and housewifery to cut down on super bugs. Standards drop when tendering for services because of cost to the supplier. 
Procurement within the NHS is a notorious money wasting section. Departments are too big, drugs are brought at vastly inflated prices and all to the detriment of the patient. Equipment is thrown away when it is perfectly serviceable meaning more money is being wasted on the procurement of new to replace it. The list goes on and on and I haven’t even mentioned the unnecessary bureaucracy.

The country has been given the chance of a new start, a fresh beginning. I doubt the commitment of the present incumbents to carry out successful negotiations as we go forward but they are all we have. Now is the time to sow the seeds for the future, now is the time for a new style of politics. A politics open to scrutiny with politicians who see being a politician as a calling rather than a well paid job with benefits. A politics driven by the people and steered by the elected few. A government for all.

Utopia in a bottle, hidden somewhere in the barren expanse of the elusive Middle Ground. 

Thursday, 13 October 2016


At the moment there is a lot of talk about ‘Hard Brexit’, ‘Soft Brexit’, confusion as to the terms of the UK leaving the EU, confusion as to who has a say on said terms.
I’m sorry but to me; and excuse me for being simplistic, but if I had joined a club forty years ago I would have first had to accept all of the rules of that club, agreed the annual fees and I would have acted in the best interests of that club. However, if said club had over the past ten years or so started to act in a manner that was not in my best interest I would have wrestled with my conscience and if I felt strongly enough about my mistreatment I would leave.
In doing so I would have severed all relations with that club and would be free to join any other club or institution at my will. 

The United Kingdom belonged to a club, a trading club initially but, it soon became apparent that the Officials who ran the club wanted it to be so much more than just a trading bloc. Their indifference to club members and the largesse afforded to certain supporters of the club led to widespread unease and distrust in the  management of the club. 
Fearing for his position as Prime Minister and also for his chances of winning a General Election, David Cameron gave the British people a referendum on the issue of membership of the EU (club). The questions were simple; ‘Do you want to remain in the EU?’ “Do you want to Leave the EU?”
As I said at the beginning of this blog post, to me the outcome of both questions is quite simple to understand. If the country votes to stay, then it stays as a member of the EU and accepts all rules and conditions associated with being a member. On the other hand, if the country votes to leave the EU then it does so on the understanding that it severs all ties with the EU and must stand on its own in the world.

The British people chose the latter and did so by a one million plus majority. To argue that because the margin between the Leave vote and the Remain vote was only just above 3% and that sixteen million people wanted to stay in the EU and this therefore gives these people a Right to have a say in the Terms of the UK’s departure is ludicrous!
Put simply, there are no ‘terms of leaving’ what is to be discussed are Terms of trade. This is not as big a deal as the anti Democratic Establishment MPs make it out to be. To listen to them one would think that the EU is the only trading bloc in the world and that we have made a drastic mistake in leaving it. This would only be partially true if that were the case. 
No, we now have a fantastic opportunity to get back onto the world stage proper. Like a Mandela being released after forty years of false imprisonment. This is the UKs “Rainbow Moment”! Taking the analogy one step further, it does mean that before the rainbow we will have to weather the storm.  So far we have been able to do so despite the whinging and whining from the unDemocratic Establishment figures who can see no further than their bloated egos.

We do not need to debate our terms of leaving, we do not need to debate what ‘model’ we adopt. What we do need to do is to get on with it and start the formal process. You cannot leave a club cleanly if the club management do not know of your intentions to do so.
Invoke whatever needs to be invoked, repeal the 1973 European Communities Act, Scrap the Common Agricultural Policy along with the Common Fisheries Policy and lets get on with it. As the they used to say in the old Wild West when starting a cattle drive. “Let’s git, daylight’s a wasting!’

Thursday, 15 September 2016

The State Of The Union

This United Kingdom, this union of four great nations is, at this momentous time in our history, being let down by the very people whom we chose to lead it for us. What is wrong with our politicians that they cannot ever see the wood for the trees? We have a fantastic opportunity to forge a safe, secure and prosperous future for our children and their children and instead of embracing it, Westminster has gone into meltdown!

The Labour Party, once a beacon of hope for both blue and white collar workers is in total disarray. It has returned to the tried and failed dogma of the sixties and seventies and the leading lights are squabbling over which version of apathy the Party should follow. They are not alone, The Conservative Party, whilst looking all rosy on the outside is having its own little war behind closed doors.

The problem for all the Westminster Parties is that they have been found out. By voting for Brexit the public has shown our politicians up for the amateurs that they really are. Whilst they could rely upon the cushion of the EU and the diktats and laws that flowed ever too freely from Brussels or Strasbourg, the Houses of Parliament became no more than a clubhouse for hubris.

“Brexit means Brexit”, I’m sorry but it does not! Until Mrs May goes over to Brussels and invokes Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and informs the EU of our intentions it means absolutely nothing. Even then, she needs to get Parliament to repeal the 1973 European Communities Act before any real meaning of Brexit becomes apparent. However, if she really does mean what she says about Brexit, Theresa May has got to become dictatorial about it. Democracy is being cast aside by the Opposition Parties because they, in the main, want the UK to remain subservient to the European Union. They still do not get it, still do not realise why 17.4 million people voted to leave the EU. They can see no further than the buffers behind which the gravy train sits. Blind to the obvious and lost in a lexicon of lies, rhetoric, red-tape and EU jargon.
The message that the Electorate should send to these muppets is, “toe the Democratic Line, adhere to the will of the majority of the people or face deselection”! Perhaps then the penny will finally drop. Alas, that is but a pipe dream.

What is really saddening is that potentially the only real Opposition, UKIP, is doing its usual and tearing itself apart. With the prospect of boundary changes before the next General Election the UK Independence Party stands a real chance of breaking through and putting UKIP MPs in the HoC.

Nigel Farage, usually a Master of the Obvious, completely misread the signs and decided that now was the time to quit a leader of the Party. The Party, indeed the country, needs him now more than ever. Whoever is voted in as his replacement will not be “Nigel Farage” and there lies the problem. Like him or loathe him, his is the voice that people up and down the country listen to. He single handedly turned the tide against the Establishment and brought about Britain’s exit from the European Union.

Given the threats to himself and his family one can understand his desire to walk away and hand the reins over to someone new. Unfortunately there is no one who even comes close to fitting into his shoes. Surely, given the track record of threats against him and his stoic resilience when faced with them, he might have given it one more year before resigning. One more year in which he could have ensured that Brexit does really mean Brexit. After all, he indicates that he wants to be in the forefront until we actually leave the EU for good. What better position to be in to do this than at the helm of the very vehicle which started and ended the fight to unshackle Britain from the European Union?
The future of Great Britain is reliant, now more than ever, on good, strong leadership. The jury is still out on Mrs May but our future depends not just on her but on smart politics. The Parties have got to pull together on this, they have got to realise what the people voted for and act upon it accordingly. Without a cohesive Parliament, the EU will run all over us in the next two years and all those who still cling on to the fantasy of somehow remaining in this corrupt bloc will be very disappointed. The EU would give us very unreasonable terms of re-entry, one of which would be acceptance of the Euro as our main currency.

No, the people have spoken and the politicians have got to get behind the battle bus and push for the best possible deals to ensure our future prosperity. Anything less will see the demise of a once great nation. 

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Socialism - The Key to Excess!

The Labour Party wax lyrical about the benefits of Socialism, the need to bring back equality, the need for a more balanced society. All ‘pie-in-the-sky I’m afraid. Socialism in all its forms always hurts the very people whom it purports to protect. 
Stalin built the Soviet Socialist Republic in the name of Socialism but in order to do so he killed millions of his own countrymen and women in the process. The utopian ideal of everyone being equal is excellent but impossible to achieve. To use the old adage, “there will always be someone who is more equal than others”. Therein lies the rub, human greed and envy. To achieve equality you must work as hard as the next person in order to get parity. Unfortunately human beings are not all born equal, some are lucky enough to be born into great wealth and privilege, others are born with an inmate sense of belief in their ability to reach the top in what ever profession they aspire to. Still others are blessed with skills but no ambition. 
Forcing equality upon a nation only succeeds in making everyone as poor and dependent upon the State as his fellow countryman or woman. The result is apathy and it is this apathy that the State feeds on. It is easy when you control the money, the food, housing et al to control the minds of the people that you are ruling. Stalin, Mao and Castro all used this and in so doing instilled fear and suspicion of ones neighbours. Pretty soon, son was informing on father, brother on brother, niece on uncle, all to gain that extra bit of kudos from their Masters with the hope of rising in the ‘pecking order’.
Labour supporters will tell you that what I have described is Communism which is a far cry from the Socialism that they preach on the doorstep. However let us look at the definitions of the two theories:                                                                                                 Communism;  A theory or system of social organisation in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and need.                     Socialism; a political and economic theory of social organisation which advocates that the means of production, distribution and exchange should be owned by or regulated by the community as a whole.                                                                                           However, in Marxist theory socialism is a transitional state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realisation of communism.
So, a very this line indeed and one that Labour under Jeremy Corbyn have shaved ever thinner. Given that Corbyn wins his bid for leadership of the Labour Party, expect him to pull right away from the social democratic stance of 'New Labour' and veer ever more towards the far Left.

To say that the Labour Party employs the ‘politics of envy’ would be a lie. Most of the leading lights in the Party are millionaires so I would suggest that, rather than envy, they practice the ‘politics of hypocrisy’.  It is quite noble to sit on the moral high ground looking out at the underprivileged and the homeless, viewing the detritus in the wake of Capitalist enterprise. It must feel even more noble to eulogies about the plight of these people on the radio or TV. However, what follows is much less noble, drinks in the Green Room before being whisked off home or to the next media event in a chaffer-driven limousine. The irony completely lost because they are on a mission of mercy.

It is beyond sad that these people actually believe that they are giving a service to the communities of which they serve. As Churchill famously said, “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
Corbyn has released his manifesto for a fairer society:

1) Full employment and an economy that works for all:
We will create a million good quality jobs across our regions and nations and guarantee a decent job for all. By investing £500 billion in infrastructure, manufacturing and new industries backed up by a publicly-owned National Investment Bank and regional banks we will build a high skilled, high tech, low carbon economy that ends austerity and leaves no one and nowhere left behind. We will invest in the high speed broadband, energy, transport and homes that our country needs and allow good businesses to thrive, and support a new generation of co-operative enterprises. 

2) A secure homes guarantee:
We will build a million new homes in five years, with at least half a million council homes, through our public investment strategy. We will end insecurity for private renters by introducing rent controls, secure tenancies and a charter of private tenants’ rights, and increase access to affordable home ownership.

3) Security at work:
We will give people stronger employment rights from day one in a job, end exploitative zero hours contracts and create new sectoral collective bargaining rights, including mandatory collective bargaining for companies with 250 or more employees. We will create new employment and trade union rights to bring security to the workplace and win better pay and conditions for everyone. We will strengthen working people’s representation at work and the ability of trade unions to organise so that working people have a real voice at work. And we will put the defence of social and employment rights,as well as action against undercutting of pay and conditions through the exploitation of migrant labour, at the centre of the Brexit negotiations agenda for a new relationship with Europe.

4) Secure our NHS and social care:
We will end health service privatisation and bring services into a secure, publicly-provided NHS. We will integrate the NHS and social care for older and disabled people, funding dignity across the board and ensure parity for mental health services.

5) A national education service, open to all:
We will build a new National Education Service, open to all throughout their lives. We will create universal public childcare to give all children a good start in life, allowing greater sharing of caring responsibilities and removing barriers to women participating in the labour market. We will bring about the progressive restoration of free education for all; and guarantee quality apprenticeships and adult skills training.

6) Action to secure our environment: 
We will act to protect the future of our planet, with social justice at the heart of our environment policies, and take our fair share of action to meet the Paris climate agreement - starting by getting on track with our Climate Change Act goals. We will accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy, and drive the expansion of the green industries and jobs of the future, using our National Investment Bank to invest in public and community-owned renewable energy. We will deliver clean energy and curb energy bill rises for households - energy for the 60 million, not the big 6 energy companies. We will defend and extend the environmental protections gained from the EU. 

7) Put the public back into our economy and services:
We will rebuild public services and expand democratic participation, put the public back into our economy, give people a real say in their local communities, and increase local and regional democracy. We will rebuild our economy with public investment to deliver wealth for all, across our regions and nations in a genuinely mixed economy.  We will act to ‘insource’ our public and local council services,increase access to leisure, arts and sports across the country and expand our publicly-controlled bus network. We will bring our railways into public ownership and build democratic social control over our energy. 

8) Cut income and wealth inequality:
We will build a progressive tax system so that wealth and the highest earners are fairly taxed, act against executive pay excess and shrink the gap between the highest and lowest paid - FTSE 100 CEOs are now paid 183 times the wage of the average UK worker, and Britain’s wages are the most unequal in Europe. We will act to create a more equal society, boost the incomes of the poorest and close the gender pay gap. 

9) Action to secure an equal society:
We will ensure that the human rights of all citizens are respected and all are protected from discrimination and prejudice. We will take action to tackle violence against women and girls, racism and discrimination on the basis of faith, and secure real equality for LGBT and disabled people. We will defend the Human Rights Act and we will guarantee full rights for EU citizens living and working in Britain – and not allow them to be used as pawns in Brexit negotiations. 

10) Peace and justice at the heart of foreign policy:
We will put conflict resolution and human rights at the heart of foreign policy, commit to working through the United Nations, end support for aggressive wars of intervention and back effective action to alleviate the refugee crisis. British foreign policy has long failed to be either truly independent or internationally cooperative, making the country less safe and reducing our diplomatic and moral authority. We will build human rights and social justice into trade policy, honour our international treaty obligations on nuclear disarmament and encourage others to do the same.

It makes for very good reading, the sort of manifesto that would appeal to all but those with a brain. It is when you actually study the content that you realise that this is a manifesto borne on the assumption that those who earn high salaries will pay dearly for those not so fortunate and for the infrastructure and services that Corbyn wants to obtain.
He will invest £500 billion in infrastructure, manufacturing and new industries, add this to the money he will need for his full employment scheme, his house building programme, his national education service, etc, etc and then add that to parts 6 - 10 of his manifesto and you soon realise that taxing the better off, (pre-supposing that they would stay in this country to see all their hard earned wages stolen by a greedy hard Left set of loons), will not go nearly far enough to pay for all of this.                                                                                                                          Once again Labour have employed the carrot and stick approach to politics. It looks good on paper, sounds even better when delivered from the lectern but in reality, like all Labour schemes, it is unworkable and will leave the country bankrupt. Echoes of the last Labour government under Gordon Brown.
Margaret Thatcher got it right when she said of Socialism; “it works fine until you run out of other people’s money!” 

Wednesday, 31 August 2016


One could be excused for believing that we have just held a referendum in this country on our membership of the EU. All the indications are that, even though the majority voted to leave the insidious institution that is the European Union, our politicians and all those still reliant upon the EU gravy train are doing all in their power to defy the will of the people. 
The Etonian bully boys, Cameron and Osborne have left the country in a mess, so confident of winning the referendum that they made no contingency plans should they lose. Their campaign of fear and smear still lingers on, perpetuated by dinosaurs like Ken Clarke and free-loaders such as Nick Clegg and Tim Farron. 
Cameron, still believing in his own propaganda concerning the EU, took the cowards way out and resigned. He had promised, (another of those cast-iron promises) to go to Brussels the day after the referendum result and invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty should the vote not go his way.  Theresa May, given Office by a spiteful and panicked Conservative government of Europhiles, should have done as Cameron had promised and beat a retreat to Brussels, as fast as her Jimmy Choo’s would let her, to invoke said Article. By not doing so she has opened a can of worms and her statement that “BREXIT means BREXIT” seems rather meaningless. The Jury, as they say, is still out! 
We now have to wait for a High Court decision on the legality of the Prime Ministers power to invoke A50 without the say so of parliament. A court action brought by ex-Pats who, whilst living the good life on the European Continent, still lay claim to all of the benefits of being British and see their particular gravy train being derailed by our exit. 
Listening to the BBC and the other MSM outlets one would believe that had it not been for the vote to BREXIT all would be well in the world. What complete and utter rubbish! The European Union is a failure, like Socialism the concept is good but impractical. One could be forgiven for believing that the EU was modelled upon the NHS, a burgeoning bureaucracy bedevilled by incompetence and overpaid unelected senior staff who see the whole system as their own personal pension fund whilst the rest of us ride on a second-hand tumbril to our own misery. 
Never has there been a better time for a new direction and a firm grip of the present political situation in which this country finds itself. UKIP, having driven the government to hold a referendum must now complete the mission and make sure that the will of the people is carried out. Easy to say but remember a few years ago the same was being said about the idea of holding a referendum. 

Everything is possible if, as Nigel Farage has often said, ‘enough little people get together and take on the Establishment’. The one UK Independence Party MP is, at best, part-time UKIP so it is down to the four hundred plus UKIP Councillors throughout the country who have the ear of thousands of “little people” to make the difference. Aided by the hundreds of UKIP Branches and members throughout this great land of ours. 

Thursday, 11 August 2016

May v The Will of The People

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the excitement of having Mrs May at the helm is swiftly turning to dismay. The longer she holds out on the triggering of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty the more annoyed and suspicious of her motives people get.

The argument being foisted upon the Nation by number 10 is that she is being naturally cautious because she wants the best possible deal for the UK. This is simply not true. For Mrs May and the majority of Tory Mandarins the best deal would be to stay in the European Union.
To this end she is delaying invoking Article 50 for as long as she possibly can.  Don’t forget for one moment that this woman is a very astute politician. She is in the job that she has always craved for and you can bet that she intends to be in it for a very long time. 
As Home Secretary she spent six years absorbing and deflecting criticism, Followed the EU diktat and reduced the UK Border Force to ineffective. Made swinging cuts to the police force and then had the temerity to criticise the police at their own conference for not doing enough to fight crime and, especially, for not doing enough to investigate crime within the Force itself. She announced that so concerned was she that she would put forward a Bill aimed at protecting whistleblowers within the police force.
In her we have a woman who is not afraid to face her critics and a politician with complete confidence in her own abilities so, when she says that she is in no hurry to trigger Article 50 you had better believe her. Telling the Nation that she wants the best possible deal is, as I have said just not true. She needs to invoke A50 as soon as possible in order for negotiations to start on the terms of the UK withdrawal.  The terms are dictated by the EU and we have no say in the matter so all of this globe trotting by the “Chosen Three” under the guise of pre-negotiation talks is just a crock of crap.

Read the following, taken from Open Europe, so as to get a better grasp on why I believe Mrs May is deliberately dragging her feet.

Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union allows a member state to notify the EU of its withdrawal and obliges the EU to try to negotiate a ‘withdrawal agreement’ with that state – it involves five points laid out below.”
1 “Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.
2 A Member State which decides to withdraw shall notify the European Council of its intention. In the light of the guidelines provided by the European Council, the Union shall negotiate and conclude an agreement with that State, setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union. That agreement shall be negotiated in accordance with Article 218(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. It shall be concluded on behalf of the Union by the Council, acting by a qualified majority, after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.
3 The Treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period.
4 For the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 3, the member of the European Council or of the Council representing the withdrawing Member State shall not participate in the discussions of the European Council or Council or in decisions concerning it. A qualified majority shall be defined in accordance with Article 238(3)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
5 If a State which has withdrawn from the Union asks to rejoin, its request shall be subject to the procedure referred to in Article 49.”

It is no coincidence that the Tory Party had no intention of letting the lowly membership have a say in who was to become their new Leader. It was pre-ordained, the writing was on the wall as soon as Boris Johnson and then Gove were ceremoniously sidelined. I have no doubt that in Mrs May's eyes, BREXIT does indeed mean BREXIT. But it will be BREXIT on her terms and her idea of BREXIT that we get. 
We must not allow this to happen and to this end the 17.4 million who voted to leave must be on her case day in day out.

The argument that we do not have the number of trained negotiators required to carry out the task of leaving the EU is another lie. We have been offered help by several of our Commonwealth partners, most of whom are eager to strike up trade deals with the UK and because of this they would obviously look to get the very best deal that they can. 
Theresa May must be pressured into invoking A50 before the end of the year, shortly before or, just after the Conservative conference would be good.
The longer this drags on the more the insecurities grow within the public and the business community. We have done the first part and now we must be strong enough to carry through the will of the majority of the people by making sure that the government keeps its end of the bargain.

The doomsayers argue that we are heading down a path of self destruction, heading into an unknown world whereby we (the UK) have no option but to fail. I say, rubbish! We are on the brink of greatness and only those with limited vision or snouts glued to the EU trough cannot see this.
Even the economists have had to admit that they were wrong in their estimates of how far we would fall economically if we came out of the EU. Major companies are eager to stay and create jobs, the financial situation is not as good as we would like but it is nowhere near as bad as predicted, plus the signs look good for future economic growth.

So, Mrs May, are you going to throw caution to the wind and do as Cameron promised he would do? Had he kept that promise Article 50 would have been invoked on June 24th. So it is now up to you as his successor to uphold that promise and get yourself off to Brussels for a meeting with the unelected few.

Sunday, 24 July 2016


It would appear that it is now a crime to have or to voice an opinion.  According to the Left or Centre Right, if your opinion differs from their mantra or the status quo it is wrong and must be changed. By rule of Law if necessary.
Look at the debacle unfolding over the result of the Referendum. All who voted to leave the disastrous EU are sad victims of a mass delusion and a protracted  programme of lies and deceit perpetrated by the BREXIT campaigners. Never mind that the 17.4 million who voted to Leave are still subjected to a prolonged campaign of fear by the Main Stream Media and any Leftard luvvie who manages to get his or her face within a yard of a TV camera.
Their opinion does not matter and they must be persuaded that they made a terrible mistake on June 23rd. The real culprits were Boris Johnson and that terrible racist, Nigel Farage.  How dare they tell such outrageous lies! How dare they try to insinuate that the country pays to belong to the EU, everyone (at least everyone who matters), knows that the EU pays us, the UK, through generous subsidies and grants to be a member of this imperious gathering of unelected and unaccountable scroungers and near-do-wells. 
That is their opinion, The Establishment, and it is precisely because they were given a deserved bloody nose last month that we are being pilloried now. The opinions of the Establishment vary but on one thing the Establishment is very clear. Your opinion does not count! You were given one job, one chance at responsibility and you threw it away.  In the opinion of the majority of those who voted (73% of the Electorate) the United Kingdom would be more prosperous by not being a member of the European Union. Because of this the tabloid and Main Stream Media are picking away at all or any of the reasons given for leaving.
These range from a complete denial that we pay in excess of £350 million gross per day to the EU,  after all this is a complete lie. A lie made up by Boris Johnson and his LEAVE campaigners in order to try to win the economic argument. It cannot possibly be the truth because no less upstanding citizens of the people and seekers of the truth, Nicola Sturgeon, Amber Rudd and the adenoidal challenged Angela Eagle screamed out on live TV that it was not so. Unfortunately for them it is not an opinion but fact. We do pay this amount to the EU and it varies according to this country’s GDP figures. Something they all know but hey, why let a good fact get in the way of a untruthful rebuttal?
The rather stupid statement that this money would be given to the NHS when we leave the EU was, in my opinion, a shot in the foot. I doubt that any of this fee will be given to the NHS, and why should it. Any money handed over to this over burgeoned bureaucratic mini EU is a mistake. Before substantial funds are handed over the whole system needs to be re-thought, revised and re-organised. Nurses and nurse training needs to be heavily financed. Nurses deserve better than to be trained to be second class citizens. Unlike the greedy Junior doctors, the nurses deserve a 30% wage increase as a first step in the restructuring.
It is not just nursing that needs revising, the whole procurement system is a complete sham, £millions are wasted on a weekly basis, catering, cleaning and hygiene all wasteful. There would be no need to ship any of these departments into the Private sector if a streamlined management system was put into place. No more deputies for deputies or assistants for assistants and no more recycling of senior posts whereby senior managers are let go and given exorbitant pay offs, only to be re-employed in the same hospital or one near by in virtually the same position at a higher rate of pay. 
But, that is only my opinion!

In the opinion of the Left and most of the media, BREXIT has caused a massive escalation of racism, hate crime and homophobia. It has reached such a fever pitch that the government, in its effort to appease all but the majority have declared it illegal to commit any of the above. The only surprise being that they haven’t threatened the death penalty.
Figures are being banded about by the left wing media that hate crime has risen by   +X% or +Y% compared to this time one month ago. They don’t stipulate but the inference is that these ‘crimes’ are all perpetrated by young white people against anyone who is not White British. I would say that that in itself is a hate crime, certainly, it’s bordering on racism.
I definitely wont be hailing any black cabs in the future in case its a ‘honey trap’ and the hate crime police leap out and put the cuffs on me for being racist!

But, that is only my opinion!

I do not doubt for one minute that hate crime exists in this country in fact I would be surprised if it didn’t. However, hate crime takes many forms and I find it galling that in order to be a victim you have to be either foreign or of foreign extraction. Many UKIP members will attest to being verbally abused and subject to hate for being a member of what is wrongly perceived to be a far right wing Party. The fact that UKIP is to the Left of the present Tory government means nothing to the Leftards who see their seats and, therefore, their livelihoods going to UKIP.

So, to summarise: 

Having an opinion is a matter of opinion.
Hate crime is in the opinion of the opinionated victim.
Homophobia is in the opinion of the gender opinion of the opinionated victim.
Racism is in the opinion of the opinionated inferior persons perception of themselves as defenders of the perceived inferior.

This is only my opinion and, as such, feel free to discount it.