
Thursday, 10 October 2013

(IT ALL STARTED SO WELL!) Another Day in the Life of Cammy & Cleggy

In a secret military bunker situated in, what was, the snug at The Dog & Duck, just off the Old Kent Road, two well dressed Public School Old Boys are reading the Evening Standard whilst eating a late lunch of Cheddar cheese and asparagus tips. Close to the right hand of each man is a foaming pint of Fullers Best.
The air is thick with imagined smoke as both men puff hard on their respective Nicotinel Inhalators; gifts from Bernie Ecclestone. On the wall are several prints, one of which is of Margaret Thatcher. She is nude at a piano with only two milk bottle tops to cover her assets. If you look closely you can spot Dennis; his reflection is apparent in the right hand milk bottle top. It is said that the original photograph was taken when Mrs Thatcher was on tour as a Calendar Girl. It is further said that it was whilst on that particular tour that she got her deep hatred of miners. 
Apparently, she was working for the Grimethorpe Colliery at the time as a kick start operator in the winding gear shed. What her employers didn’t know was that Dennis had got her a job at the local Conservative Club, moonlighting as an exotic cloak room attendant. One of the cast of The Calendar Girls saw her in there one night and got her another job as a replacement for Miss July, who had to retire because of a bad case of gout.
She was reported to the colliery by a disgruntled fan, whom she refused to acknowledge even though he used to march up to the stage twirling batons and singing “Maggie May” at the top of his voice. The aim, though futile, was to impress the lady.
His name was Micky Hesletine and the bosses at Grimethorpe were so grateful, they gave him her old job. However, he soon tired of this and moved down south where he was head hunted by a prominent helicopter manufacturer and became a lobbyist.
The silence in the room was only broken by the rustling of newspaper and the odd fart. Suddenly, one of the toffs throws down his newspaper in disgust and, before turning to his companion, picks up his pint and downs it in one. Then, smacking his lips he completes his turn and says:

Cleggy ‘I say Prime Minister, have you seen what the one eyed son of the manse has done?’

Cammy ‘Sold Scotland’s battered Mars bar reserves!’

Cleggy ‘Be serious PM!’

 Cammy ‘I am being serious!’

Cleggy ‘It’s the Honours List! Have you seen it?’

Cammy ‘God! No, am I on it?’

Cleggy ‘Derr! Of course not! You’re supposed to write a List as well.

Cammy ‘Nobody told me!’

Cleggy ‘Well you had better get one written pretty damn sharpish! Her Maj will be really 
           disappointed if you don’t give her one!
Cammy ‘Shall I put that fellow Laws on it?’

Cleggy ‘Better not PM, there’s something you should know about him.’

Cammy ‘Oh yes, what’s that then?

Cleggy ‘He’s been on the fiddle, slight matter of giving 40 grand to his puffter partner for lodgings.’

Cammy ‘My God! Does one have to have - how shall I put it? - leanings - to be a LibDem?

Cleggy ‘I don’t know what you mean, how dare you?’

Cammy ‘Easily, I’m the PM! Now, what did you want to tell me about the Great One Eyed Wonder?’

Cleggy ‘Oh, yes! He’s only put John - sorry Pauline - Prescott through for a peerage! I            
                  mean, the man was a bloody 
                  waiter  on the P&O Line! It wouldn’t surprise me to see that he’s recommended          
                 Tracy Temple for an OBE! Then
                  there’s that Scottish thug, John Read, he’s going to be swathed in ermine as well!’

Cammy ‘Slow down, Nicky, old son. We’ll just pass new legislation to half the number of         
                  Peers; sort of first come first serve basis, which means we can boot them out in six  
Cleggy ‘Ooh PM, I love it when you’re assertive, it gives me goose bumps. can I call you       

Cammy ‘No! It’s Prime Minister and don’t you forget it!’

Cleggy ‘Ooh!’

Cammy: ‘Because I like you, you can call me “Cammy” but, only behind closed doors.
Got It!’

Cleggy: ‘Wait until I tell Miriam, she’ll be thrilled!”

Cammy:‘ Run along to your little hacienda and inform your bit of Spanish totty whilst I go and  

                  see the vicars daughter.’

Cleggy: “Who?’

Cammy: ‘That old boiler Theresa May, now piss off cos I’ve got Prime Minister things to do!’

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

ⒸThe Flame Dies


Words of despair written by me to express the plight of the forgotten few who are invisible to us “busy” people.

I sense the roots
I cannot see
Stars shine, not for me.
Pithy so pithy
Above, trees, swaying
The north wind, baying
A macabre falsetto
Andante to allegretto

Cold; so cold, frozen.
Tears, warming tracts,
Fall on rotting bracts
Oh, the irony!
I, decaying inside
They dying outside
New life will evolve
Alas, this one to resolve

Oh God! I need a drink.
Sweet Bacchus I pray
Fine wine before day.
Alone, so dark, help me
Frosted leaves form my quilt
Empty bottle, full of guilt.
Guilt for drinking, for lying
For stealing, for dying.

All there through frosted glass
A crystal ball by London Gin
My life there, within
I watch my flame flicker
I lie here, prone
Cold, all alone
I watch my flame flicker
I watch my flame flicke……

Friday, 13 September 2013


I have recently been through the trials and tribulations of tracing my ancestral roots. Many years ago my wife and me did the same for her side of the family. It turned an already spectacular holiday into something magical. We met people whom her father had grown up with, we visited the church where he received his first Communion, the river where he caught his first salmon, the house in which he grew up and the town where he spent the latter part of his teenage years.
Her father was still alive when we made the trip and he gave his full blessing for our fact-finding mission. It soon became apparent to us both that some of the stories her father had related to us about his home town and the escapades that he and his friends were party to, were in fact, not the embellished tales that we thought but truthful tales of triumph over hardship and a talent which was recognised at an early age but never taken to its true potential.
Most of all, we both came away with an understanding as to why my wife’s father would not go back to the land of his birth, the land which had shaped him and the people who had walked, talked and laughed with him in his youth. He did not want to lose the essence of that time before he left nor, did he want to see change in the town or the people. All had become treasured memories, like a pristine cake expertly covered in icing which becomes too precious to cut. 

Soon all of that will be lost. The government want to abolish the National Census a practice established over two hundred years ago because, ironical given today’s figures,  the powers that be of the time thought that the population was rising too quickly (16,000,000) and were afraid of a French-style revolution. One of the proposals is to replace it with information gathered from stores, banks, and estate agents. The official line  is that the census costs too much. (£500m)
That is the official reason and, given Osborne’s penchant for austerity measures one could believe that there is an element of truth in it. However, I think that it is obvious that a statement such as that can only be a lie. Or, at the very least, an economy of the truth. Given the surge in population in this country over the past ten years because of a deliberate policy of open borders by the insidious Labour Party and the equally insidious Coalition, is it any wonder that the government want to hide the true extent of this mismanagement of the UK population? 

The census is much more than a tool for chasing down your family roots.To quote from nidirect government services:

‘With statistics from the census, central and local government can allocate funds, decide future policy and plan important services such as:
  • population - knowing how many people live in an area helps central government allocate funding - local government also uses this data to plan what is needed in their local areas
  • health and disability - health services and policies are planned around the census data so that the necessary services are provided where they are needed
  • housing - housing needs can be much better planned if we know what the demand is now and likely to be in the future
  • employment - by establishing how many people work in different occupations and industries, census information can be used to help plan jobs and training policies
  • ethnic groups - census information can be used to help allocate resources and monitor policies to ensure that all groups are treated equally
  • transport - identifying how and where people travel to work and study will help us understand the pressures on our transport systems and improve planning for roads and public transport
  • education - census information can be used to help plan for education resources, such as schools and teachers’

Call me a cynic but I just do not trust this government. They have already proved that they cannot guarantee the safety and security of our citizens. Gangs from Eastern Europe control large parts of our major cities, carrying out their illicit dealings with impunity. The Coalition have cut Front-Line services to the bone, meaning that the Emergency Services are stretched to the limit. The police can no longer police our streets effectively and data held on the public by government departments is being sold off to the highest bidder.
Is it any wonder then that they want to cut out the one quality assurance process which really works? 
If, as the government wants, computerised records of people, which are held by banks, petrol companies, major retail outlets and utility companies, are used then surely this is a breach not only of our Human Rights but, illegal under the Data Protection Act?

We will all be well and truly into the Orwellian nightmare whereby the government can track you from birth to death and all stops in between. It is, in my opinion, a step too far!
One of the arguments put forward by the government through the Office of National Statistics  (ONS), apart from the cost factor, was that because of mass immigration the census as we know it has become too complex and cumbersome. They argue that many immigrants simply do not fill in the census and / or, because we have a migratory population, it is increasingly difficult to pin people down at the time of the census. I would argue that everyone with a National Insurance number be required by Law to complete a census either hard copy or online every time one is due. I would also suggest that the Border Agency (or whatever it is called nowadays) be made to track down all immigrants, legal or otherwise and make them fill in a census form.
Hard work, difficult work but, a necessity if we are going to get a realistic figure to determine the true population of this country.
I do not ascribe to the theory that migrant workers should be exempt from a National Census, If they are living and working in this country then they are using this country’s resources. Because the local authority in which they are working is responsible for those resources it is only fair that they know exactly how many people are using them. Without that knowledge, how are they going to allocate money and resources through their local budgets sufficient to meet the needs of the local community?

No, the good old census is more than just a head count. It is a valuable tool and one which must not be lost to fiscal foolery. It is also a thorn in the side of the EU. In their ‘Federal Bubble’  there is no place for an accurate head count from within Member States. It causes them problems, it shows up their appalling lack of respect for Sovereign Territory. It also lays bare the calculated trafficking of cheap labour from country to country within the EU. I would suggest this to be a major cause of economic instability within the Union and one which was orchestrated by the faceless suits in Brussels and Strasbourg.
We must send a message to the Coalition detailing why the census must stay. It isn’t out of any sense of nostalgia that I suggest this, more from a position of anger and frustration at a government which uses the people it is supposed to protect as tools in a dodgy EU experiment.

I will be writing to my MP to demand that he do something about this mass auction of private data which will surely take place when the government calls time on the census. I would hope that many more will follow my lead and bombard the ONS and their MP’s with letters of complaint. 
I will also be reminding my MP that next year is crunch year for LibLabConDem and the following year could see the nail go into their collective coffins. For too long they have ignored a somewhat apathetic electorate but now that the apathy has reached many a wallet, people are waking up to the fact that they are being led by conmen and that a change is needed. A change which will come a lot sooner than the present incumbents of the HofC think!

Friday, 6 September 2013



Writing a blog should, I am told, get easier. The more you write, the more you want to write and words will cascade from fingertips to the page. Of late I have found this to be false. Why? Mainly because my interests go deeper than just one subject and, therein lies my problem. I sit down, fingers poised over my keyboard, ready to rant about the latest injustice to break the tranquility of Philbo Towers when; wham! Another shot across the bows! 
It is not a paucity of subject matter which is preventing me from posting what was once a weekly blog but a paucity of concentration. The past month has been alive with controversy both home and abroad and I ought to have been able to sift at least four or, maybe five decent posts from it. For not doing so, I apologise and offer this humble post as a gesture of contrition.

"I wonder if its small man's syndrome"

It would appear to some in the great Russian Republic that we, in Britain, are not only ‘Little Englanders” but ‘Little Islanders’, as well. Apparently we have become so insignificant on the World stage that we no longer afford the attention of such luminaries as  Vladimir Putin, Francois Hollande or even the diminutive Barak (that’s my real name) Obama.
Our beleaguered, thin-lipped Prime Minister sits in his designated chair at the G8 Summit in St Petersburg, face reddened by days of  bad press and International ridicule, hopelessly scanning the room for someone to talk to. The media, ever ready to kick one of their own when they are down, pounced upon Dave at the earliest convenience and asked:
Would you like to comment on what Mr Putin said about Great Britain?”
Dave screwed up his well-scrubbed face in order to get the correct shade of indignant red upon his Eton cheeks and replied:
“I refute that!”
What no-one came back with was, refute what? The fact that Putin said it or, the fact that in his (Dave’s) opinion the statement was untrue.

As good a politician as he may be, Cameron is like a fish out of water when it comes to the big stage. The problem he has and, the problem that previous British Prime Ministers have, is that they try too hard to emulate Margaret Thatcher. They forget the axiom that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. By that I mean, men and women tackle problems in a totally different way. 
She, (Mrs Thatcher) got out her favoured blinkers and tackled problems head on. Men, to her, were a weak link in her chain of command but, being the woman she was, she would not allow any other woman to share her vision so she went where instincts lead.   
Blair, to the disgust of many in his party, traded on her legacy mistaking the folly of a woman scorned for warmongering and Cameron is trying to do the same. 
Sadly, they both lacked, (lack in Cameron’s case) the dedication to the UK that she had. Blair has made his vast fortune out of the misery of others, his fortune being where his true focus always lay. Cameron is dedicated to the EU and no matter how many lies he tells or facts he spins, the transparency of his quest is open for all to see. Pity then that his clarity was flawed when he attempted to get Parliament to agree to go to war against Syria. 
Rarely have I seen a leading politician orchestrate and then talk his way into defeat in the manner upon which Cameron did. 

His problem now that he has alienated the United States and given Russia cause for scorn is that he has nowhere to go and no-one to turn to. By sucking up to the EU and the USA he has all but severed relations with the Commonwealth and he will have the Queen to thank when these wounds are healed and good relations are restored. 
If, as he says, his passion is Human Rights and redressing the suffering caused to others, why isn’t he advocating sending troops to Zimbabwe? Or, Myanmar (formerly Burma)? He is willing to send money, which only serves to prop up the despots ruling these countries but is not so keen to either criticise or condemn the vile practices and atrocities inflicted upon the people under the brutal boot of these regimes.

Zimbabwe used to be known as the ‘bread basket’ of Africa. It is now one of the poorest nations in the World. The leader of this once rich nation is amongst one of the richest people in the World. Mugabe and his gang of thugs have raped, pillaged, plundered and murdered in order to keep power. Cameron says he deplores what is going on there but refuses to do anything about it except, that is, flood the accounts of Mugabe with hard earned British taxpayers money.
In South Africa, white people are being sadistically tortured and murdered by the indigenous people while the South African government turns a blind eye. Is Cameron advocating British intervention there? I think we all know the answer to that.

In Britain we have a lot to be proud of, we have a proud history and have helped shape the modern World. What we do not have a lot of is wealth. The Empire brought this country immense wealth, most of which was squandered on war. Another lesson not learned from history. I am not in any way a pacifist and I realise that sometimes you have to stand up and say enough is enough when you see blatant injustice. Gassing your own people is a blatant act and it is right that the World condemn such an act but to go to war for it; that is a whole new ball game. 
There is probably a hidden agenda in this battle of wills between East and West. The Russians hold a monopoly in natural gas distribution to Europe. A project that brings in billions in revenue to the Russian Exchequer. The small Arab Kingdom of Qatar is sitting on probably the largest  field of natural gas in the World and has plans for a pipeline to Turkey. If this goes ahead Mr Putin will have lost his leverage over Europe. Obama will become the saviour of the West while American companies will reap a rich reward from the gas fields.
Apart from his inherited hatred of the British and all things British, this gives a clue as to why Obama was so keen to bankrupt BP over the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Notice that Exon is still flourishing, a company with a record for environment safety and welfare as good as Obama’s promises on health reform.

However, back to Cameron. Here is a man who, in his head at least, is on a mission. His whole term in office has been a delusion, one perpetuated by him and fuelled by the sycophants he has put around himself. His mission, as he sees it, is to save the World from itself and in doing so build a better future for our offspring. All very noble if you have the tools with which to carry out your dreams.
When Cameron came into Office the country was, for all intents and purposes, bankrupt! Insidious Labour had emptied the piggy bank and retired, laughing, to the Back Benches. One of his first acts as Prime Minister was to declare that he and his Chancellor would put the economy at the forefront of his priorities and then promptly borrowed billions of £s in order to give it away to foreign despots. In the name of fiscal unity, after all, lets face it, we are all in this together, he and his Cabinet have systematically beggared the poorest in our society whilst making the rich richer. A lack of vision and policies which were not well thought out have ensured that Britain has taken longer than was necessary to gain economic growth. He would have made an excellent Labour Prime Minister.

On the World stage he promises much but in reality can deliver very little. Why? Because he has no money and an under strength Armed Forces with a moral lower than a snakes belly. All his own doing because in his efforts to get the economy back on track he has sold his soul to the Devil. In a case reminiscent of wiping your arse before you have a shit, he sells off our Harrier jump jets and then commissions an aircraft carrier designed to take them with no replacement VTOL aircraft on the horizon for years to come. This has left the Royal Navy in the embarrassing position of having to share an aircraft carrier with France plus spending some of their budget on French lessons.
It is an absolute farce and contributes to the lack of respect shown to Cameron and Britons in general on the World stage.
The ‘Walter Mitty’ of British politics needs to take an early bath along with his cohorts and the entire Opposition. Between them they have flooded the country with foreign nationals, lost control of our borders, given all our power, laws and decision making over to the EU and told lie upon lie in order to cover up their misdeeds.
If the people of this country want to get the pride back that was once abundant in every British person we first have to take control of our country. I do not advocate revolution, I say do it through the ballot box. I have heard and read comment by members of the United Kingdom Independence Party saying that it takes time to change the face of politics in this country. Some also say that you have to support the opposition in some areas in order to keep such and such a Party out. No, you do not! You have to have the courage of your convictions and you have to go out onto the streets, into the communities, into the pubs, on peoples doorsteps and show people that there is an alternative to partisan politics. Sitting back in the hope that someone else will do it is to give Cameron, Clegg and Miliband another term in Office. 
Shrug off the Labour induced apathy, look about you, see what a mess over twenty years of Conservative and Labour policies have done to your communities and to the country. Demand change and if it is not forthcoming, force it through using the ballot box. 

Never again give some jumped up Russian Vodka taste-tester cause to say that we live on a small island of no significance who’s views can be ignored. I blame Cameron for that, his posturing from a weak political position has left this country weak and made us all look stupid.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


"Fracking" or hydraulic fracturing, is the process of extracting natural gas from shale rock layers deep within the earth. Fracking makes it possible to produce natural gas extraction in shale plays that were once unreachable with conventional technologies. Recent advancements in drilling technology have led to new man-made hydraulic fractures in shale plays that were once not available for exploration. In fact, three dimensional imaging helps scientists determine the precise locations for drilling.
Horizontal drilling (along with traditional vertical drilling) allows for the injection of highly pressurized fracking fluids into the shale area. This creates new channels within the rock from which natural gas is extracted at higher than traditional rates. This drilling process can take up to a month, while the drilling teams delve more than a mile into the Earth’s surface. After which, the well is cased with cement to ensure groundwater protection, and the shale is hydraulically fractured with water and other fracking fluids.

Petroleum engineers have used fracking as a means of increasing well production since the late 1940s. Fractures can also exist naturally in formations, and both natural and man-made fractures can be widened by fracking. As a result, more oil and gas can be extracted from a given area of land. 
A few weeks ago I wrote condemning Friends of the Earth, (hitherto known as 'Fiends of the Earth) for their opposition to the shale fragmentation process known as 'fracking'. The main body of which I have included in this post.
It never ceases to amaze me that the 'Greens' and organisations such as Fiends of the Earth know better than the rest of us. Perhaps I need to hug a few trees to feel empowered or, take a trip to the countryside and mingle with the methane being emitted by farmer Giles herd of Jersey cows in order to feel justifiably enraged by this rape of natural resources.
The recent criminal activities of these unwashed, middle-class warriors down at the sleepy West Sussex village of Balcombe beggars belief. The BBC, ever ready for a headline which will disparage any organisation or legitimate company that is not leaning so far over to the left that it is in danger of falling over, made great play of the "peaceful demonstration" propaganda put out by various spokespeople who were, naturally, enraged that a legitimate company like Cuadrilla should be exploring for shale gas in such a peaceful part of the country when their money would be better spent by exploring sites for inefficient, grotesque wind turbines. The point deliberately missed by the hideous BBC, the Greens and the various protest groups is that Cuadrilla are sinking exploratory bores in the search for oil and NOT fracking for shale gas.  
These "peaceful" protesters blocked the B2036 road between Balcombe and Cuckfield. Glued and chained themselves across the emergency exit to the Cuadrilla site, invaded the head office of Cuadrilla in Lichfield causing management to send staff home. Six activists also glued themselves to the London HQ of Bell Pottinger, Cuadrilla's PR company. Yet, not once did the BBC or any other media outlet point out that the protesters were acting illegally. In fact it even took the police nearly a week to do something about these criminal activists.
Yesterday they eventually decided to act like a police force and Officers served a Public Order Act notice, saying the crowd might cause serious damage to property or disrupt the life of the community.They then proceeded to do what they should have done days ago, which was to arrest the more aggressive and plain stupid of the 'great unwashed' and clear the site so that Cuadrilla could get on with their LAWFUL activities. To great media fanfare during this process the police arrested Caroline Lucas, the former leader of the Green Party. Anxious to get her five minutes of fame, this fading light on the political scene, deigned to give her interview whilst in handcuffs and being carried away by the police.
Later, she said, and I quote: "People today, myself included, took peaceful non-violent direct action only after exhausting every other means of protest available to us."
"I'm in the privileged position of being able to put questions to the government directly and arrange debates in parliament, but still ministers have refused to listen. Despite the opposition to fracking being abundantly clear, the government has completely ignored the views of those they are supposed to represent.
"When the democratic deficit is so enormous, people are left with very little option but to take peaceful, non-violent direct action."
As usual Ms Lucas and the minority do-gooders like her are totally missing the point. This country cannot afford to import gas and oil, the EU has made it impossible for us to produce our own energy because of ridiculous emission targets that they have set for carbon fuels. The, so-called, sustainable option is too expensive and only puts tax-payers money into the over-stuffed coffers of the energy companies. Not only that but it is grossly inefficient. The Greens, the far left and the LibDems are against nuclear power so what is the government to do? Loathe as I am to agree with Cameron, we have to look to explore the possibility of reclaiming fossil fuel in order to sustain the energy needs of the country. Both now and into the future. Shale gas and shale oil meet those needs and the scaremongering should be exposed for what it is; scaremongering!
This leads me neatly into my previous post...

With a looming energy crisis just around the corner one would think that everyone would be pulling together in order to avert said crisis. Not so the tree-hugging Friends of the Earth. This country has the potential, not only to produce relatively cheap energy from beneath the ground, but to become a major exporter of gas and oil. We have, so the experts tell us, enough reserves of gas and oil locked in shale deep underground to last for up to one hundred and forty-one years.
It will come as no surprise to readers of "The Lunatics Monthly" that the tree-huggers are using EU Regulations, Global Warming and the threat, (imaginatively conceived) to wildlife as the main thrusts in their argument. They, like Labour, argue for 'renewables'. Ironically it was proved to be the case that Friends of the Earth were no friends to wildlife when a bird - rare to British shores - came upon a wind turbine.
Much to the astonishment and despair of the assembled 'twitchers', who had gathered to witness the arrival of the White-throated Needletail, the poor thing was decapitated by the swirling blades of the wind turbine. Not so renewable wildlife dispatched to the Great Aviary in the sky by one of the tree-huggers favourite methods of renewable energy. Oops, doesn't cut it!
The frightening thing about Friends of the Earth is that, on the surface, their arguments are plausible. However, you only have to dig just below the surface to realise how weak and nasty their case against fracking is. Scaremongering of the very worst order! They say that chemicals used in the fracking process will contaminate the water table. At this point it would be sensible to ask yourselves, 'how many chemicals occur naturally underground'? Too many to list in this blog anyway! These are filtered out by our water companies as part of the process of supplying fresh water to the populace. The next question is, 'what chemicals are the fracking industry using?' Well, we have NaCl, a mixture of sodium and chloride However, don't panic as you are probably sprinkling it on your french fries as you read this. It is common salt. The other is commonly used by wearers of contact lenses to lubricate them. Nothing "TOXIC"  as Friends of the Earth would have you believe and nothing that cannot be dealt with and rendered safe.
Of course there is always the 'biggy,' Global Warming! They base their evidence on their belief that methane, which is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, will be spilling into the atmosphere through the fracking process. Again, studies have shown that, yes, methane will be released but not in the amounts spouted by Friends of the Earth and any such leakage can be contained and controlled. Further, shale gas is less of a pollutant than natural gas.
There is another irony to this sorry tale, while the Friends of the Earth are dragging shale gas exploration through the courts, the esteemed George Osborne is giving just under two billion pounds of our money to "climate aid" abroad. This at a time when we need every penny that the Treasury can save. It is utter madness and no surprise to find that, once again, our politicians are bowing to the diktats of a Federal European Union. The Green Policies eschewed and put into Law by the power-hungry elite in Brussels are costing this country billions of pounds and causing the loss of thousands of jobs. It simply cannot go on. When is someone going to have the strength to stand up to these crooks and say enough is enough!?
Remember these words from four years ago? "No party which detaches itself from the EU mainstream can claim to be committed to acting on climate change." Yes, spoken with a straight face by our very own, one-eyed 'Man o' the Manse', Mr Gordon Brown. a Prime Minister so inept that he single-handedly made the Labour Party unelectable. So sold on the idea of Climate Change and Global Warming was this drip that he put into legislation laws which would ensure that four years down the line this country would be facing a serious shortage of energy producing plant.
I will remind you again of this idiots vision: "And at home we are implementing a radical set of climate policies. Our Climate Change Act makes the UK the first country to put our emissions cuts into law – by 34 per cent by 2020, and by 80 per cent by 2050. And the UK Low Carbon Transition Plan we published in July ( is the first in the world to give every department responsibility for its own "carbon budget". Of course, Labour were too busy congratulating themselves to realise that if you de-commission perfectly good power stations then it is prudent to have new ones on standby.
They like the loons in Friends of the Earth will tell you that wind power, biomass, hydro, wave power and solar power are the future for our energy needs. They haven't told you that we cannot afford these ridiculous, still in development, forms of generating electricity. by the way, Friends of the Earth are no friend to this Planet!  Some facts: - Solar power, photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar thermal panels (CSP). PV takes up 3.5 to 10 hectares of land per megawatt of energy produced. CSP takes up to 4  - 16.5 hectares of land per megawatt of energy produced. This land cannot be utilised for anything other than the production of energy.
PV plant creation involves the use of some very nasty chemicals. HCl - hydrochloric acid. H2SO4 - sulphuric acid. HNO3 nitric acid. HF - hydrogen fluoride. C2HCl3 - trichloroethane. C3H6O - acetone.
Wind turbines take up between 30 - 141 acres of land per megawatt of energy produced. Yes this land can be re-used but the use is limited. Add to this the cost in compensation that the Government is paying to landowners for this land. Not only that, but when the useless wind turbines fail to produce energy because the wind is too strong then the owners of the turbines are compensated to the tune of millions of taxpayers money!
Strange how the tree-huggers look the other way when confronted by facts such as the above. The truth is not in their remit nor, does it follow EU diktat.  If all else fails they will tell you that fracking causes earthquakes. Really? Studies have shown that coal mining causes more earthquakes than fracking.
Until we get strong government in this country we are going to be plagued by minority groups such as Friends of the Earth, with their loony agendas, holding up our economic recovery. It is time we ditched the present crop of useless Westminster incumbents and instead put our faith in sensible politics. Politics with the interests of Britain and the British people at its heart. There is only one Party which can and will deliver sensible politics and I fear that if Britain does not wake up that Party will go the same way as the wretched White-throated Needletail!